Caller History

Caller: Bronwen Gates

Date Dance
2019-06-09 Good Man of Cambridge
2019-05-14 Alice
2019-05-14 Birthday Jubilee
2019-05-14 Bonny Grey-Ey'd Morn
2019-05-14 Celandine, The
2019-03-26 Corelli's Maggot
2019-03-26 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2019-03-26 Honeysuckle Cottage
2019-03-26 Juice of Barley
2019-03-26 Key to the Cellar
2019-03-26 True Kit
2019-01-08 Benjamin's Birth Day
2019-01-08 Dancing across the Atlantic
2019-01-08 Drapers Gardens
2019-01-08 Fuerst Maggot, The
2019-01-08 Leather Lake House
2019-01-08 Waters of Holland, The
2018-11-27 After Dinner Maggot
2018-11-27 Christina
2018-11-27 Double Duet, A
2018-11-27 Mulberry Garden, The
2018-11-27 Terpsicourante
2018-07-24 After Dinner Maggot
2018-07-24 Auretti's Dutch Skipper
2018-07-24 Benjamin's Birth Day
2018-07-24 Double Duet, A
2018-06-26 Ashford Anniversary, The
2018-06-26 Barbarini's Tambourine
2018-06-26 Dancing across the Atlantic
2018-06-26 Fenterlarick
2018-06-26 My Lady of the Lake
2018-04-10 Band of Friends
2018-04-10 Benjamin's Birth Day
2018-04-10 Christchurch Bells
2018-04-10 Corelli's Maggot
2018-04-10 Double Duet, A
2018-03-13 Christina
2018-03-13 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2018-03-13 Fourpence Ha'penny Farthing
2018-03-13 Gentleman's Delight
2018-02-20 Auretti's Dutch Skipper
2018-02-20 Benjamin's Birth Day
2018-02-20 Bonny Grey-Ey'd Morn
2018-02-20 Comical Fellow, The
2018-02-20 Hand in Hand
2018-01-23 Dancing Wife, The
2018-01-23 Dear Abby
2018-01-23 Drapers Gardens
2018-01-23 Freeford Gardens
2018-01-23 Juice of Barley
2018-01-23 Lilli Burlero
2017-11-14 Double Duet, A
2017-11-14 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2017-11-14 Happy Return, The
2017-11-14 Old Wife behind the Fire
2017-11-14 Sion House
2017-10-31 All Saints'
2017-10-31 Candles in the Dark
2017-10-31 Doctor Who
2017-10-31 Hambleton's Round O
2017-10-31 Horseplay
2017-10-31 Midnight Ramble, The
2017-09-26 Chestnut Farewell
2017-09-26 Fuerst Maggot, The
2017-09-26 Knole Park
2017-09-26 Lilli Burlero
2017-09-26 MollyAndrew, The
2017-09-26 Peace Be with You
2017-08-15 After Dinner Maggot
2017-08-15 Dancing across the Atlantic
2017-08-15 Daybreak
2017-08-15 Far Away
2017-08-15 Our Brief Encounters
2017-07-18 Benjamin's Birth Day
2017-07-18 Braes of Dornoch
2017-07-18 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2017-07-18 Honeysuckle Cottage
2017-07-18 Lilli Burlero
2017-07-18 Upon a Summer's Day
2017-04-11 Daybreak
2017-04-11 Easter Morn
2017-04-11 Easter Tuesday
2017-04-11 Zephyrs and Flora
2017-03-28 Aberdeen or the De'il's Dead
2017-03-28 Dancing across the Atlantic
2017-03-28 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2017-03-28 Fuerst Maggot, The
2017-03-28 Take a Dance
2017-02-28 Double Duet, A
2017-02-28 Room for Ramblers
2017-02-28 Safe Haven
2017-02-28 Sun Assembly
2017-02-28 Waters of Holland, The
2017-01-31 All Saints'
2017-01-31 Happy Return, The
2017-01-31 Leah's Waltz
2017-01-31 Love's Triumph
2017-01-31 Peace Be with You
2016-12-06 Alice
2016-12-06 Dancing across the Atlantic
2016-12-06 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2016-12-06 Hand in Hand
2016-12-06 Horseplay
2016-11-08 Christchurch Bells
2016-11-08 Leather Lake House
2016-11-08 Lilli Burlero
2016-11-08 My Lady of the Lake
2016-11-08 Swirl of the Sea, The
2016-10-04 After Dinner Maggot
2016-10-04 Childgrove
2016-10-04 Happy Return, The
2016-10-04 Hen Run, The
2016-10-04 Honeysuckle Cottage
2016-10-04 Mulberry Garden, The
2016-07-12 Astonished Archaeologist, The
2016-07-12 Evergreen
2016-07-12 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2016-07-12 Good Man of Cambridge
2016-07-12 Key to the Cellar
2016-07-12 Terpsicourante
2016-04-26 Benjamin's Birth Day
2016-04-26 Daybreak
2016-04-26 Holborn March
2016-04-26 Honeysuckle Cottage
2016-04-26 Hop Ground, The
2016-04-26 Trip to Kilburn, A
2016-04-26 True Kit
2016-04-05 After Dinner Maggot
2016-04-05 Christina
2016-04-05 Lilli Burlero
2016-04-05 Mulberry Garden, The
2016-04-05 Queen's Birthday, The
2016-04-05 Waters of Holland, The
2016-03-15 Dear Abby
2016-03-15 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2016-03-15 Indian Queen
2016-03-15 Mr. Handel's Gigue
2016-03-15 Perennial Friends
2016-01-27 Belle of the Ball
2016-01-27 Braes of Dornoch
2016-01-27 Horseplay
2016-01-27 Leading Man
2016-01-27 Tuesday Duple Minor, The
2015-12-08 Comical Fellow, The
2015-12-08 Hen Run, The
2015-12-08 Honeysuckle Cottage
2015-12-08 Leather Lake House
2015-12-08 Mr. Handel's Gigue
2015-12-08 Old Muscles Grumble
2015-11-17 Benjamin's Birth Day
2015-11-17 Josephine
2015-11-17 Mignonette
2015-11-17 Trip to Kilburn, A
2015-11-17 Waters of Holland, The
2015-10-27 Auretti's Dutch Skipper
2015-10-27 Dancing Wife, The
2015-10-27 Double Duet, A
2015-10-27 Indian Queen
2015-10-27 Lilli Burlero
2015-10-27 Tuesday Duple Minor, The
2015-10-20 Barbarini's Tambourine
2015-10-20 Christina
2015-10-20 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2015-10-20 Michael and All Angels
2015-09-01 Dancing across the Atlantic
2015-09-01 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2015-09-01 Key to the Cellar
2015-09-01 Safe Haven
2015-09-01 Take a Dance
2015-07-14 Benjamin's Birth Day
2015-07-14 Corelli's Maggot
2015-07-14 Dear Abby
2015-07-14 Honeysuckle Cottage
2015-06-09 Braes of Dornoch
2015-06-09 Gentleman's Delight
2015-06-09 Horseplay
2015-06-09 Indian Queen
2015-05-26 Honeysuckle Cottage
2015-05-26 Jack by the Hedge
2015-05-26 Josephine
2015-05-26 Knole Park
2015-05-26 Terpsicourante
2015-04-28 Auretti's Dutch Skipper
2015-04-28 Band of Friends
2015-04-28 Bishop, The
2015-04-28 Christina
2015-04-28 Fourpence Ha'penny Farthing
2015-04-28 Waters of Holland, The
2015-03-24 Ashford Anniversary, The
2015-03-24 Christchurch Bells
2015-03-24 Dancing across the Atlantic
2015-03-24 Promise of Spring
2015-03-24 Reconciliation
2015-01-27 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2015-01-27 New Beginning, A
2015-01-27 Peace Be with You
2015-01-27 Take a Dance
2015-01-27 Trip to Kilburn, A
2015-01-27 True Kit
2014-11-25 Cockle Shells
2014-11-25 Dear Abby
2014-11-25 Hop Ground, The
2014-11-25 Horseplay
2014-11-25 Knole Park
2014-11-25 Sion House
2014-10-07 Daybreak
2014-10-07 Emma's Commencement
2014-10-07 Holborn March
2014-10-07 Lilli Burlero
2014-09-09 Alice
2014-09-09 Barbarini's Tambourine
2014-09-09 Gentleman's Delight
2014-09-09 Safe Haven
2014-08-05 Christina
2014-08-05 Hambleton's Round O
2014-08-05 Hand in Hand
2014-08-05 Lilli Burlero
2014-08-05 Take a Dance
2014-08-05 True Kit
2014-07-15 Celandine, The
2014-07-15 Dancing across the Atlantic
2014-07-15 Dear Abby
2014-07-15 Evergreen
2014-07-15 Knole Park
2014-07-15 Waters of Holland, The
2014-06-03 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2014-06-03 Fourpence Ha'penny Farthing
2014-06-03 Josephine
2014-06-03 My Lady of the Lake
2014-04-01 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2014-04-01 Hen Run, The
2014-04-01 Knole Park
2014-02-25 Dancing across the Atlantic
2014-02-25 Double Duet, A
2014-02-25 Hop Ground, The
2014-02-25 Leather Lake House
2014-02-25 Lilli Burlero
2013-11-19 Barbarini's Tambourine
2013-11-19 Doctor Vincent's Delight
2013-11-19 Horseplay
2013-11-19 Knole Park
2013-11-19 True Kit
2013-09-17 Double Duet, A
2013-09-17 Felicity
2013-09-17 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2013-09-17 Hop Ground, The
2013-09-17 Kneeland Romp
2013-08-20 Ashford Anniversary, The
2013-08-20 Barbarini's Tambourine
2013-08-20 Dear Abby
2013-08-20 Gentleman's Delight
2013-08-20 Key to the Cellar
2013-07-16 Emma's Commencement
2013-07-16 Fourpence Ha'penny Farthing
2013-07-16 Maids Morris
2013-07-16 Our Brief Encounters
2013-07-16 Upon a Summer's Day
2013-06-18 Childgrove
2013-06-18 Diamond Gypsy
2013-06-18 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2013-06-18 Hand in Hand
2013-06-18 Hen Run, The
2013-06-18 Sion House
2013-05-14 Band of Friends
2013-05-14 Christina
2013-05-14 Dancing across the Atlantic
2013-05-14 Honeysuckle Cottage
2013-05-14 Hop Ground, The
2013-05-14 Morecambe Bay
2012-12-18 Benjamin's Birth Day
2012-12-18 Candles in the Dark
2012-12-18 Christchurch Bells
2012-12-18 Gower Wassail
2012-12-18 Hambleton's Round O
2012-12-18 Lilli Burlero
2012-12-18 Peace Be with You
2012-11-20 Horseplay
2012-11-20 Round about Our Coal Fire
2012-11-20 Take a Dance
2012-11-20 Terpsicourante
2012-10-02 Dancing across the Atlantic
2012-10-02 Hen Run, The
2012-10-02 Hop Ground, The
2012-10-02 Josephine
2012-09-04 Alice
2012-09-04 Barbarini's Tambourine
2012-09-04 Christina
2012-09-04 Gentleman's Delight
2012-09-04 Mulberry Garden, The
2012-09-04 New Friends
2012-09-04 Perennial Friends
2012-08-07 Bury Fair
2012-08-07 Fenterlarick
2012-08-07 Holborn March
2012-08-07 Mignonette
2012-08-07 Never Love Thee More
2012-08-07 Peace Be with You
2012-07-17 Braes of Dornoch
2012-07-17 Celandine, The
2012-07-17 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2012-07-17 Horseplay
2012-07-17 Mover and Shaker, A
2012-06-05 Come Let's Be Merry
2012-06-05 Dear Abby
2012-06-05 Double Duet, A
2012-06-05 Mulberry Garden, The
2012-06-05 Zephyrs and Flora
2012-04-24 Birthday Jubilee
2012-04-24 Christina
2012-04-24 Jack by the Hedge
2012-04-24 Josephine
2012-04-24 My Lady of the Lake
2012-04-24 Terpsicourante
2012-04-03 Band of Friends
2012-04-03 Dancing across the Atlantic
2012-04-03 Daybreak
2012-04-03 Easter Morn
2012-04-03 Easter Tuesday
2012-04-03 Lilli Burlero
2012-03-13 Barbarini's Tambourine
2012-03-13 Dear Abby
2012-03-13 Drapers Gardens
2012-03-13 Hen Run, The
2012-03-13 Maids Morris
2012-01-03 Gower Wassail
2012-01-03 Winter Dreams
2011-12-13 After Dinner Maggot
2011-12-13 Double Duet, A
2011-12-13 Gentleman's Delight
2011-11-01 Ashford Anniversary, The
2011-11-01 Auretti's Dutch Skipper
2011-11-01 Honeysuckle Cottage
2011-11-01 Josephine
2011-11-01 Sion House
2011-09-27 Chestnut Farewell
2011-09-27 Dancing Wife, The
2011-09-27 Dear Abby
2011-09-27 Female Saylor, The
2011-09-27 Hand in Hand
2011-08-23 Birthday Branle
2011-08-23 Gentleman's Delight
2011-08-23 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2011-08-23 Honeysuckle Cottage
2011-08-23 Jack by the Hedge
2011-08-23 Maids Morris
2011-07-12 Birthday Jubilee
2011-07-12 Diamond Gypsy
2011-07-12 Hen Run, The
2011-07-12 Hop Ground, The
2011-07-12 Josephine
2011-07-12 Mulberry Garden, The
2011-06-07 Celandine, The
2011-06-07 Corelli's Maggot
2011-06-07 Dear Abby
2011-06-07 Duke of Kent's Waltz, I, The
2011-06-07 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2011-06-07 Fenterlarick
2011-05-31 Benjamin's Birth Day
2011-05-31 Horseplay
2011-05-31 Kneeland Romp
2011-05-31 Peace Be with You
2011-05-31 Twenty-Ninth of May, The
2011-05-31 Zephyrs and Flora
2011-03-22 Felicity
2011-03-22 Fourpence Ha'penny Farthing
2011-03-22 Hen Run, The
2011-03-22 Josephine
2011-03-22 Promise of Spring
2011-03-22 Swirl of the Sea, The
2011-01-11 Auretti's Dutch Skipper
2011-01-11 Dancing across the Atlantic
2011-01-11 Evergreen
2011-01-11 Happy Return, The
2011-01-11 Kneeland Romp
2011-01-11 Winter Waltz
2010-12-07 After Dinner Maggot
2010-12-07 Autumn in Amherst
2010-12-07 Chestnut
2010-12-07 Hop Ground, The
2010-12-07 Old Wife behind the Fire
2010-12-07 Star County Quadrille
2010-11-23 Birthday Branle
2010-11-23 Childgrove
2010-11-23 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2010-11-23 Trip to Kilburn, A
2010-11-23 Tuesday Duple Minor, The
2010-09-21 Corelli's Maggot
2010-09-21 Double Duet, A
2010-09-21 Emma's Commencement
2010-09-21 Hop Ground, The
2010-09-21 Leather Lake House
2010-09-21 Peace Be with You
2010-08-17 Astonished Archaeologist, The
2010-08-17 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2010-08-17 Horseplay
2010-08-17 Key to the Cellar
2010-08-17 Turn of the Tide
2010-07-27 Broom, the Bonny, Bonny Broom
2010-07-27 Christina
2010-07-27 Dear Abby
2010-07-27 Double Duet, A
2010-07-27 Fourpence Ha'penny Farthing
2010-07-27 Hand in Hand
2010-06-15 Comical Fellow, The
2010-06-15 Dancing Wife, The
2010-06-15 Irish Lamentation
2010-06-15 Kneeland Romp
2010-04-20 Dear Abby
2010-04-20 Diamond Gypsy
2010-04-20 Doctor Vincent's Delight
2010-04-20 Happy Return, The
2010-04-20 Zephyrs and Flora
2010-03-23 Band of Friends
2010-03-23 Christina
2010-03-23 Dancing across the Atlantic
2010-03-23 Jack by the Hedge
2010-03-23 Key to the Cellar
2010-03-23 Old Muscles Grumble
2010-02-02 Candles in the Dark
2010-02-02 Dick's Maggot
2010-02-02 Doctor Vincent's Delight
2010-02-02 Double Duet, A
2010-02-02 Leather Lake House
2010-02-02 Mulberry Garden, The
2009-12-08 Leather Lake House
2009-12-08 Take a Dance
2009-11-24 Dancing across the Atlantic
2009-11-24 Fourpence Ha'penny Farthing
2009-11-24 Heartsease
2009-11-24 Morecambe Bay
2009-11-24 Turn of the Tide
2009-10-20 Barbarini's Tambourine
2009-10-20 Bishop, The
2009-10-20 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2009-10-20 Scotch Morris, The
2009-10-20 Turning by Threes
2009-10-20 Winter Waltz
2009-09-30 Birthday Jubilee
2009-09-29 Celandine, The
2009-09-29 Chestnut
2009-09-29 Fair and Softly
2009-09-29 Speedwell
2009-08-11 Chestnut Farewell
2009-08-11 Honeysuckle Cottage
2009-08-11 Jack by the Hedge
2009-08-11 Mignonette
2009-08-11 Mulberry Garden, The
2009-07-21 Bury Fair
2009-07-21 Christina
2009-07-21 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2009-07-21 Michael and All Angels
2009-07-21 Never Love Thee More
2009-06-30 Morecambe Bay
2009-06-30 Peace Be with You
2009-06-30 Reconciliation
2009-06-30 Sion House
2009-06-23 Upon a Summer's Day
2009-06-09 Barbarini's Tambourine
2009-06-09 Braes of Dornoch
2009-06-09 Candles in the Dark
2009-06-09 Hole in the Wall, The
2009-04-21 Birthday Jubilee
2009-04-21 Christina
2009-04-21 Emma's Commencement
2009-04-21 Felicity
2009-04-21 Peace Be with You
2009-03-24 Bury Fair
2009-03-24 Dear Abby
2009-03-24 Hop Ground, The
2009-03-24 Horseplay
2009-03-24 Turn of the Tide
2009-02-10 Fenterlarick
2009-02-10 Lilli Burlero
2009-02-10 Terpsicourante
2009-02-10 True Kit
2009-01-13 Double Duet, A
2008-12-09 Band of Friends
2008-12-09 Christina
2008-12-09 Corelli's Maggot
2008-12-09 Double Duet, A
2008-12-09 Maid Peeped Out at the Window
2008-11-04 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2008-11-04 Horseplay
2008-11-04 Mover and Shaker, A
2008-11-04 Peace Be with You
2008-11-04 Turn of the Tide
2008-09-09 Christina
2008-09-09 Comical Fellow, The
2008-09-09 Elizabeth
2008-09-09 Good Man of Cambridge
2008-09-09 Upon a Summer's Day
2008-08-19 Cockle Shells
2008-08-19 Good Man of Cambridge
2008-08-19 Mulberry Garden, The
2008-08-19 Winter Dreams
2008-07-29 Band of Friends
2008-07-29 Dancing Wife, The
2008-07-29 Hop Ground, The
2008-07-29 Maggie's Twirl
2008-07-29 Maids Morris
2008-06-10 Emma's Commencement
2008-06-10 Sion House
2008-05-27 Christina
2008-05-27 Double Duet, A
2008-05-27 Epping Forest
2008-05-27 Mover and Shaker, A
2008-05-27 Zephyrs and Flora
2008-05-13 Childgrove
2008-05-13 Come Let's Be Merry
2008-05-13 Felicity
2008-05-13 Reconciliation
2008-05-13 Well Hall
2008-04-08 Birthday Branle
2008-04-08 Christchurch Bells
2008-04-08 Honeysuckle Cottage
2008-03-18 Band of Friends
2008-03-18 Cockle Shells
2008-03-18 Easter Tuesday
2008-03-18 Fenterlarick
2008-03-18 Morecambe Bay
2008-02-19 Childgrove
2008-02-19 Dancing Wife, The
2008-02-19 Hand in Hand
2008-02-19 Horseplay
2008-02-19 Kneeland Romp
2008-01-29 Cumberland Square Eight
2008-01-29 Dover Pier
2008-01-29 Mr. Isaac's Maggot
2008-01-29 Vivaldi in Paradise
2007-12-11 Emma's Commencement
2007-12-11 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2007-12-11 Maids Morris
2007-12-11 Never Love Thee More
2007-11-13 Horseplay
2007-11-13 Kneeland Romp
2007-11-06 Dancing Wife, The
2007-11-06 Dublin Bay
2007-11-06 Holborn March
2007-11-06 Hole in the Wall, The
2007-11-06 Jamaica
2007-11-06 Mr. Isaac's Maggot
2007-10-23 Chelmsford Assembly
2007-10-23 Corelli's Maggot
2007-10-23 Dear Abby
2007-10-23 Mover and Shaker, A
2007-10-23 Sion House
2007-10-02 Birthday Branle
2007-10-02 Christchurch Bells
2007-10-02 Lilli Burlero
2007-10-02 True Kit
2007-08-21 Vivaldi in Paradise
2007-08-14 Auretti's Dutch Skipper
2007-08-14 Horseplay
2007-08-14 Key to the Cellar
2007-08-14 Mover and Shaker, A
2007-08-14 Well Hall
2007-07-24 Duke of Kent's Waltz, I, The
2007-07-24 Epping Forest
2007-07-24 Hambleton's Round O
2007-07-24 Indian Queen
2007-07-10 Alice
2007-07-10 Dear Abby
2007-07-10 Double Duet, A
2007-07-10 Lilli Burlero
2007-07-10 Maid Peeped Out at the Window
2007-07-03 Honeysuckle Cottage
2007-07-03 Kneeland Romp
2007-07-03 Well Hall
2007-06-05 Fourpence Ha'penny Farthing
2007-06-05 Hand in Hand
2007-06-05 Jamaica
2007-06-05 Room for Ramblers
2007-06-05 Upon a Summer's Day
2007-05-15 Butterfly, The
2007-05-15 Merry, Merry Milkmaids, The
2007-05-15 Mover and Shaker, A
2007-05-15 Pleasures of the Town, The
2007-05-15 Take a Dance
2007-05-01 Dancing Wife, The
2007-05-01 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2007-02-20 Hambleton's Round O
2007-02-20 Wood Duck, The
2007-01-16 Indian Queen
2007-01-16 Kneeland Romp
2007-01-16 Lilli Burlero
2007-01-16 Scotch Morris, The
2007-01-16 True Kit
2006-11-28 Chelmsford Assembly
2006-11-28 Christchurch Bells
2006-11-28 Mad Robin
2006-11-28 True Kit
2006-10-17 Birthday Jubilee
2006-10-17 Bishop, The
2006-10-17 Drapers Gardens
2006-10-17 Mover and Shaker, A
2006-10-17 Well Hall
2006-10-03 Auretti's Dutch Skipper
2006-10-03 Childgrove
2006-10-03 Double Duet, A
2006-10-03 Terpsicourante
2006-10-03 Turning by Threes
2006-07-25 Auretti's Dutch Skipper
2006-07-25 Barbarini's Tambourine
2006-07-25 Epping Forest
2006-07-25 Well Hall
2006-06-13 Come Let's Be Merry
2006-06-13 Duke of Kent's Waltz, I, The
2006-06-13 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2006-06-13 Yellow Stockings
2006-05-23 Bishop, The
2006-05-23 Comical Fellow, The
2006-05-23 Dancing Wife, The
2006-05-23 Fenterlarick
2006-04-18 Female Saylor, The
2006-02-28 Epping Forest
2006-02-28 Handel with Care
2006-02-28 Jamaica
2006-02-28 Morecambe Bay
2006-02-28 Scotch Morris, The
2006-02-07 Comical Fellow, The
2006-02-07 Well Hall
2006-01-10 Christchurch Bells
2006-01-10 Female Saylor, The
2006-01-10 Fenterlarick
2006-01-10 Hambleton's Round O
2005-12-13 Corelli's Maggot
2005-12-13 Lilli Burlero
2005-12-13 Winter Solstice
2005-11-08 Auretti's Dutch Skipper
2005-11-08 Double Duet, A
2005-11-08 Maid Peeped Out at the Window
2005-10-11 Kneeland Romp
2005-10-11 Zephyrs and Flora
2005-09-06 Chestnut
2005-09-06 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2005-09-06 Take a Dance
2005-08-09 Christchurch Bells
2005-08-09 Comical Fellow, The
2005-08-09 Hole in the Wall, The
2005-08-09 Indian Queen
2005-08-09 Mad Robin
2005-08-09 Mr. Isaac's Maggot
2005-06-21 Auretti's Dutch Skipper
2005-06-21 Jamaica
2005-06-21 Mulberry Garden, The
2005-06-21 Well Hall
2005-06-07 Come Let's Be Merry
2005-06-07 Double Duet, A
2005-06-07 Kneeland Romp
2005-05-10 Dancing Wife, The
2005-05-10 Kneeland Romp
2005-04-26 Horseplay
2005-04-26 Mary K
2005-04-26 Zephyrs and Flora
2005-03-29 Mary K
2005-02-22 Juice of Barley
2005-02-22 Maid Peeped Out at the Window
2005-02-22 Nottingham Swing
2005-02-22 Saint Margaret's Hill
2005-02-08 Elizabeth
2005-02-08 Female Saylor, The
2005-02-08 Hambleton's Round O
2005-02-08 Nottingham Swing
2004-12-21 Hambleton's Round O
2004-12-21 Well Hall
2004-12-21 Winter Solstice
2004-11-30 Barham Down
2004-11-02 Saint Margaret's Hill
2004-11-02 Well Hall
2004-11-02 Zephyrs and Flora
2004-09-21 Elizabeth
2004-09-21 Jamaica
2004-09-21 Waters of Holland, The