Caller History

Caller: Will Jaynes

Date Dance
2025-02-11 Archer, The
2025-02-11 Cockle Shells
2025-02-11 Come with Voices Singing
2025-02-11 Cottonwood
2025-02-11 Fine Lady of Homewood, The
2025-02-11 Mr. Hamilton's Inauguration
2025-02-11 Muriel's Measure
2025-02-11 Peridot Ring, The
2025-02-11 Turn of the Tide
2025-02-11 Whately Barn
2025-01-28 Look Both Ways
2025-01-28 Portsmouth
2025-01-28 Sun Assembly
2025-01-28 True Kit
2025-01-28 Turning of the Hour
2024-12-31 Bel Canto
2024-12-31 Turning of the Year, The
2024-11-26 Cockle Shells
2024-11-26 Peridot Ring, The
2024-11-26 Sweet Potato Pie
2024-11-26 Trip to Provence
2024-11-26 Well Donne
2024-11-12 Jump at the Sun
2024-11-12 Mile of Smiles
2024-11-12 Orleans Baffled
2024-11-12 Pterocotta
2024-11-12 Stepping Stones
2024-10-15 Auretti's Dutch Skipper
2024-10-15 Cottonwood
2024-10-15 Eclipse
2024-10-15 Helena
2024-10-15 Sweet Cream
2024-10-15 Whately Barn
2024-10-11 Merry Musicologist, The
2024-10-11 Murmurations
2024-10-11 Orange Nan
2024-10-11 Sweet Mischief
2024-09-17 Eclipse
2024-09-17 Moveable Feast, A
2024-09-17 Peridot Ring, The
2024-09-17 Ransom Note
2024-09-17 Trip to Provence
2024-08-20 Alex and Charles
2024-08-20 Alterations
2024-08-20 Orleans Baffled
2024-08-20 Rose
2024-06-25 Bel Canto
2024-06-25 Bluebonnets
2024-06-25 Fuerst Maggot, The
2024-06-25 Mr. Ganiford's Delight
2024-06-25 Old Wife behind the Fire
2024-06-25 Orleans Baffled
2024-06-25 Peridot Ring, The
2024-05-21 Bel Canto
2024-05-21 Crystal Spring
2024-05-21 Mile of Smiles
2024-05-21 Webmaster, The
2024-03-26 Beautyberry
2024-03-26 Cottonwood
2024-03-26 Rose
2024-03-26 Trip to Provence
2024-02-20 Monterey Ploughman, The
2024-02-20 Stepping Stones
2024-02-20 Sweet Potato Pie
2024-02-20 Upon a Summer's Day
2024-02-20 Wooden Shoes
2024-02-20 Zephyrs and Flora
2024-02-06 Eclipse
2024-02-06 First Lady, The
2024-02-06 Jump at the Sun
2024-02-06 Midwinter Maggot
2024-02-06 Sweet Cream
2024-01-23 Archer, The
2024-01-23 Come with Voices Singing
2024-01-23 Elizabeth
2024-01-23 Farmer's Joy, The
2024-01-23 Freeford Gardens
2024-01-14 On Wittman's Golden Floor
2024-01-14 Selkie, The
2024-01-14 Webmaster, The
2024-01-14 Whately Barn
2024-01-02 Flora and Phaon
2024-01-02 Helena
2024-01-02 Well Donne
2024-01-02 Whately Barn
2024-01-02 When Laura Smiles
2024-01-02 Wooden Shoes
2023-11-28 Alice
2023-11-28 Auretti's Dutch Skipper
2023-11-28 Haymakers, The
2023-11-28 Orange Nan
2023-11-28 Pursuit, The
2023-11-28 Sweet Cream
2023-11-07 Alexander's Birth Day
2023-11-07 Best of Company, The
2023-11-07 Bonny Cuckoo, The
2023-11-07 Christchurch Bells
2023-11-07 Dear Abby
2023-11-07 With You
2023-10-13 Fancy That
2023-10-13 Merry Musicologist, The
2023-10-13 Pterocotta
2023-10-13 Webmaster, The
2023-10-10 Beach Spring
2023-10-10 Monterey Ploughman, The
2023-10-10 Turn of the Tide
2023-10-10 Ursa Minor
2023-10-10 Waltham Abbey (Playford)
2023-09-26 Bar a Bar
2023-09-26 Daybreak
2023-09-26 Midwinter Maggot
2023-09-26 Rebecka Ridinghoode
2023-09-26 Red and All Red
2023-09-08 Bel Canto
2023-09-08 Heartfelt
2023-09-08 Webmaster, The
2023-07-25 Alder Cove
2023-07-25 Barbarini's Tambourine
2023-07-25 Bel Canto
2023-07-25 Breakfast with Coyote
2023-07-25 Candles in the Dark
2023-07-25 Farmer's Joy, The
2023-06-27 Beautyberry
2023-06-27 Fine Lady of Homewood, The
2023-06-27 Longest Night, The
2023-06-27 Mr. Ganiford's Delight
2023-06-27 Sharon of the Green
2023-06-27 Whately Barn
2023-05-23 Astonished Archaeologist, The
2023-05-23 Autumn in Amherst
2023-05-23 Michedonia
2023-05-23 Monterey Ploughman, The
2023-05-23 Wood Duck, The
2023-05-02 Bel Canto
2023-05-02 Holborn March
2023-05-02 Middlemarch
2023-05-02 Softly Good Tummas
2023-05-02 Whately Barn
2023-04-14 Best of Company, The
2023-04-14 Breakfast with Coyote
2023-04-14 Orange Nan
2023-04-04 Alice
2023-04-04 Daybreak
2023-04-04 Dublin Bay
2023-04-04 Duke of Kent's Waltz, I, The
2023-04-04 Eastbourne Rover, The
2023-04-04 Mile of Smiles
2023-03-21 Cottonwood
2023-03-21 Hambleton's Round O
2023-03-21 Heading for Zero
2023-03-21 Juice of Barley
2023-03-21 Midwinter Maggot
2023-03-21 Rebecka Ridinghoode
2023-03-14 Dunham Oaks
2023-03-14 Sweet Potato Pie
2023-02-21 Indian Princess, The
2023-02-21 Leather Lake House
2023-02-21 Michael and All Angels
2023-02-21 Mile of Smiles
2023-02-21 Prince William
2023-02-21 When Laura Smiles
2023-01-10 Alterations
2023-01-10 Beach Spring
2023-01-10 Fenterlarick
2023-01-10 Five for the Symbol at Your Door
2022-12-13 Bel Canto
2022-12-13 Breakfast with Coyote
2022-12-13 Chocolate for Breakfast
2022-12-13 Middlemarch
2022-12-13 Orange Nan
2022-12-13 Turn of the Tide
2022-11-15 Alice
2022-11-15 Bel Canto
2022-11-15 Farmer's Joy, The
2022-11-15 Middlemarch
2022-11-15 Set for Spring
2022-11-15 Six for the Six Proud Walkers
2022-10-04 Breakfast with Coyote
2022-10-04 Come with Voices Singing
2022-10-04 Heading for Zero
2022-10-04 Ten for the Ten Commandments
2022-10-04 Wood Duck, The
2022-09-09 Graphite
2022-09-09 It's Always Something
2022-09-09 On Wittman's Golden Floor
2022-09-09 Ties of Love
2022-07-05 Angels Unawares
2022-07-05 Beach Spring
2022-07-05 Chocolate for Breakfast
2022-07-05 Long Odds, The
2022-07-05 Rebecka Ridinghoode
2022-07-05 Slaughter House
2022-05-10 Alterations
2022-05-10 Archer, The
2022-05-10 Beautyberry
2022-05-10 Lilli Burlero
2022-05-10 Whately Barn
2022-04-12 Come with Voices Singing
2022-04-12 Farmer's Joy, The
2022-04-12 Red and All Red
2022-04-12 Sun Assembly
2022-04-12 True Kit
2022-04-12 Yellow Stockings
2020-03-03 Alterations
2020-03-03 Come with Voices Singing
2020-03-03 Juice of Barley
2020-03-03 Lilli Burlero
2020-03-03 Night Watch
2020-03-03 Red and All Red
2020-03-03 Yellow Stockings
2020-02-11 Archer, The
2020-02-11 Beach Spring
2020-02-11 Beautyberry
2020-02-11 Chocolate for Breakfast
2020-02-11 Emperor of the Moon
2020-02-11 Turn of the Tide
2019-11-26 Barnestorming
2019-11-26 Cottonwood
2019-11-26 Juice of Barley
2019-11-26 Mr. Hamilton's Inauguration
2019-11-26 Mr. Millstone's Inauguration
2019-11-26 Sweet Potato Pie
2019-10-15 Alterations
2019-10-15 Beach Spring
2019-10-15 News from Tripoly
2019-10-15 Red and All Red
2019-10-15 Scotch Morris, The
2019-10-15 True Kit
2019-09-17 Archer, The
2019-09-17 Bluebonnets
2019-09-17 Cat in the Window
2019-09-17 Graphite
2019-09-17 Sun Assembly
2019-08-06 Bemused Benthologist, The
2019-08-06 Lilli Burlero
2019-08-06 Long Odds, The
2019-08-06 Mile of Smiles
2019-08-06 Mr. Hamilton's Inauguration
2019-08-06 Rebecka Ridinghoode
2019-07-23 Lambs on Green Hill
2019-07-23 Leather Lake House
2019-07-23 Maid's Last Wish, The
2019-07-23 Sally in Our Alley
2019-07-23 Trim the Sails
2019-06-11 Beautyberry
2019-06-11 Chocolate for Breakfast
2019-06-11 Come with Voices Singing
2019-06-11 Farmer's Joy, The
2019-06-11 Mile of Smiles
2019-06-11 Mr. Millstone's Inauguration
2019-06-11 Night Watch
2019-06-04 Cottonwood
2019-05-21 Archer, The
2019-05-21 Barnestorming
2019-05-21 Indian Summer
2019-05-21 Softly Good Tummas
2019-05-21 Willy Nilly
2019-04-16 Alterations
2019-04-16 As Quick As You Please
2019-04-16 Barnestorming
2019-04-16 Black Cat, The
2019-04-16 Bora Dingo Oasis
2019-04-16 Cottonwood
2019-03-26 Beach Spring
2019-03-26 Mr. Legge's Initiation
2019-03-26 Rebecka Ridinghoode
2019-03-26 Vanga Land
2019-03-26 Well Done Jack
2019-03-05 Beautyberry
2019-03-05 Bemused Benthologist, The
2019-03-05 Farmer's Joy, The
2019-03-05 Red and All Red
2019-03-05 Silver Primrose, The
2018-12-11 Bar a Bar
2018-12-11 Farmer's Joy, The
2018-12-11 Juice of Barley
2018-12-11 Red and All Red
2018-12-11 Trim the Sails
2018-12-11 Wood Duck, The
2018-11-20 Cottonwood
2018-11-20 Lambs on Green Hill
2018-11-20 Mr. Legge's Initiation
2018-11-20 Ramsgate Assembly
2018-11-20 Yellow Stockings
2018-09-25 Angels Unawares
2018-09-25 Barbarini's Tambourine
2018-09-25 Beach Spring
2018-09-25 Beautyberry
2018-09-25 Breakfast with Coyote
2018-09-25 Daybreak
2018-09-25 Freeford Gardens
2018-09-25 Muriel's Measure
2018-09-11 Archer, The
2018-09-11 Bishop, The
2018-09-11 Farmer's Joy, The
2018-09-11 Honeysuckle Cottage
2018-09-11 Mile of Smiles
2018-09-11 Rebecka Ridinghoode
2018-09-11 Yellow Stockings
2018-07-31 Set for Spring
2018-07-31 Spring, The
2018-07-31 Trim the Sails
2018-07-31 When Laura Smiles
2018-07-31 Winter Oranges
2018-06-26 Angels Unawares
2018-06-26 Mile of Smiles
2018-06-26 Mr. Legge's Initiation
2018-06-26 Muriel's Measure
2018-06-26 Trim the Sails
2018-06-05 Bar a Bar
2018-06-05 Mr. Millstone's Inauguration
2018-06-05 Rebecka Ridinghoode
2018-06-05 Stockport Assembly
2018-05-08 Bemused Benthologist, The
2018-05-08 True Kit
2018-05-08 Turn of the Tide
2018-05-08 Tythe Pig
2018-05-08 Vanga Land
2018-04-10 Black Cat, The
2018-04-10 Fireflies
2018-04-10 Night Watch
2018-04-10 Orange Nan
2018-04-10 Red and All Red
2018-04-10 Twenty-Something
2018-03-20 Barn Elms
2018-03-20 Black Nag
2018-03-20 Cadgers' Other Caper
2018-03-20 Horseplay
2018-03-20 Lambs on Green Hill
2018-02-27 Bluebonnets
2018-02-27 Cockle Shells
2018-02-27 Long Odds, The
2018-02-27 Scotch Cap
2018-02-27 Sun Assembly
2018-02-27 Ten for the Ten Commandments
2017-12-12 Cockle Shells
2017-12-12 Red and All Red
2017-12-12 Rufty Tufty
2017-12-12 Sun Assembly
2017-12-12 Ursa Minor
2017-11-21 Barn Elms
2017-11-21 Beautyberry
2017-11-21 Bluebonnets
2017-11-21 Cat in the Window
2017-11-21 Daybreak
2017-10-10 Archer, The
2017-10-10 Autumn in Amherst
2017-10-10 Bemused Benthologist, The
2017-10-10 Candles in the Dark
2017-10-10 Yellow Stockings
2017-10-03 Belle of Amherst, The
2017-10-03 General Grooviness of the Universe
2017-10-03 Mile of Smiles
2017-10-03 Mover and Shaker, A
2017-10-03 Mr. Hamilton's Inauguration
2017-10-03 Never Love Thee More
2017-09-08 Breakfast with Coyote
2017-09-08 Trip to Provence
2017-07-11 Archer, The
2017-07-11 Barn Elms
2017-07-11 Chrysalis
2017-07-11 Juice of Barley
2017-07-11 Marching to Praetorius
2017-07-11 Mile of Smiles
2017-05-30 Beach Spring
2017-05-30 Beautyberry
2017-05-30 Christchurch Bells
2017-05-30 Farmer's Joy, The
2017-05-30 Trip to Provence
2017-04-18 Archer, The
2017-04-18 Beach Spring
2017-04-18 Chrysalis
2017-04-18 Mile of Smiles
2017-04-18 Night Watch
2017-04-18 Rebecka Ridinghoode
2017-03-21 Alice
2017-03-21 Beautyberry
2017-03-21 Bluebonnets
2017-03-21 Juice of Barley
2017-03-21 Mr. Millstone's Inauguration
2017-03-21 Vanga Land
2017-02-14 Chocolate for Breakfast
2017-02-14 Flowers and Candy
2017-02-14 Joy to the Person of My Love
2017-02-14 Kill Him with Kindness
2017-01-03 Angels Unawares
2017-01-03 Bemused Benthologist, The
2017-01-03 Chrysalis
2017-01-03 Winter Memories
2016-12-13 Auretti's Dutch Skipper
2016-12-13 Beach Spring
2016-12-13 Chrysalis
2016-12-13 Collier's Daughter, The
2016-12-13 Come with Voices Singing
2016-12-13 Trip to Provence
2016-10-25 Alice
2016-10-25 Breakfast with Coyote
2016-10-25 Candles in the Dark
2016-10-25 Daybreak
2016-10-25 Farmer's Joy, The
2016-09-20 Graduate, The
2016-09-20 MollyAndrew, The
2016-09-20 Mount Hills
2016-07-19 Alchurch
2016-07-19 Chrysalis
2016-07-19 Graduate, The
2016-07-19 Halsway Manners
2016-06-07 As Quick As You Please
2016-06-07 Fenterlarick
2016-06-07 Hit and Miss
2016-06-07 Mr. Millstone's Inauguration
2016-06-07 Orca
2016-06-07 Sally by the Pond
2016-05-10 Barbarini's Tambourine
2016-05-10 Black Cat, The
2016-05-10 Juice of Barley
2016-05-10 Our Cheers
2016-05-10 Sally by the Pond
2016-04-05 Autumn in Amherst
2016-04-05 Beach Spring
2016-04-05 General Grooviness of the Universe
2016-04-05 Play's the Thing, The
2016-04-05 Safe Haven
2016-03-15 Beautyberry
2016-03-15 Black Cat, The
2016-03-15 Bluebonnets
2016-03-15 Night Watch
2016-03-15 Rebecka Ridinghoode
2016-02-09 Bemused Benthologist, The
2016-02-09 Dover Pier
2016-02-09 Farmer's Joy, The
2016-02-09 Mr. Hamilton's Inauguration
2015-11-24 Beautyberry
2015-11-24 Bemused Benthologist, The
2015-11-24 Farmer's Joy, The
2015-11-24 Mr. Hamilton's Inauguration
2015-11-24 Night Watch
2015-11-24 Set for Spring
2015-11-24 Yellow Stockings
2015-10-20 Archer, The
2015-10-20 Beach Spring
2015-10-20 Beautyberry
2015-10-20 Bluebonnets
2015-10-20 Come with Voices Singing
2015-10-20 Mile of Smiles
2015-08-18 Band of Friends
2015-08-18 Breakfast with Coyote
2015-08-18 Generosity
2015-08-18 Heading for Zero
2015-08-18 Irish Lamentation
2015-06-23 Alterations
2015-06-23 Daybreak
2015-06-23 Double Jubilee
2015-06-23 Juice of Barley
2015-06-23 Knives and Forks
2015-06-23 Lambs on Green Hill
2015-06-23 Rebecka Ridinghoode
2015-04-21 Another Nancy's Fancy
2015-04-21 Companions
2015-04-21 Foxhunter's Jig
2015-04-21 Old Bachelor
2015-04-21 Rebecka Ridinghoode
2015-02-24 Bar a Bar
2015-02-24 Black Cat, The
2015-02-24 Daybreak
2015-02-24 General Grooviness of the Universe
2015-02-24 Leather Lake House
2015-02-24 Night Watch
2014-10-28 Black Cat, The
2014-10-28 Ragg, The
2014-10-28 Sunlight through Draperies
2014-10-28 Whately Barn
2014-09-16 Barcelona
2014-09-16 Frances Ann's Delight
2014-09-16 General Grooviness of the Universe
2014-09-16 Unrequited Love
2014-09-16 Yellow Stockings
2014-07-01 Barcelona
2014-07-01 Cold Comfort
2014-07-01 Leaps and Bounds
2014-06-10 Autumn in Amherst
2014-06-10 Black Cat, The
2014-06-10 Cat's Cradle
2014-06-10 Daybreak
2014-06-10 Leaves of Autumn
2014-06-10 Love Always
2014-04-22 Angels Unawares
2014-04-22 Cottonwood
2014-04-22 Dressed Ship, The
2014-04-22 I Care Not for These Ladies
2014-03-11 Cold Comfort
2014-03-11 Leaps and Bounds
2014-03-11 Lovely Nancy
2014-03-11 Michael and All Angels
2014-03-11 Trip to Paris, A
2014-03-11 Upon a Summer's Day
2014-02-25 All Saints'
2014-02-25 Astoria Lass
2014-02-25 Auretti's Dutch Skipper
2014-02-25 Christina
2014-02-25 Dressed Ship, The
2014-02-25 Night Watch
2014-02-04 Mover and Shaker, A
2014-02-04 Orange Nan
2014-02-04 Oxford Circus
2014-02-04 Round about Our Coal Fire
2013-11-26 Hey, Boys, Up Go We
2013-11-26 Holborn March
2013-11-26 Jacob Hall's Jig
2013-11-26 Knole Park
2013-11-26 Maid Peeped Out at the Window
2013-10-15 Indian Summer
2013-10-15 Knives and Forks
2013-10-15 Mulberry Garden, The
2013-10-15 Night Watch
2013-10-15 Shropshire Lass
2013-10-15 Upon the Morning Breeze
2013-09-17 Bemused Benthologist, The
2013-09-17 General Grooviness of the Universe
2013-09-17 Leaps and Bounds
2013-09-17 Night Watch
2013-09-17 Wakefield Hunt
2013-09-17 Yellow Stockings
2013-06-04 Bemused Benthologist, The
2013-06-04 Cold Comfort
2013-06-04 Dressed Ship, The
2013-06-04 Farewell Marian
2013-06-04 Happy Return, The
2013-06-04 Lovely Nancy
2013-06-04 Our Cheers
2013-04-23 Candles in the Dark
2013-04-23 Mover and Shaker, A
2013-04-23 Ragg, The
2013-04-23 Sally in Our Alley
2013-04-23 Twenty-Something
2013-04-23 Wibsey Roundabout
2013-03-12 All Saints'
2013-03-12 Another Nancy's Fancy
2013-03-12 Apley House
2013-03-12 Scotch Cap
2013-03-12 Tuesday Duple Minor, The
2013-03-12 Well Done Jack
2013-02-05 Auretti's Dutch Skipper
2013-02-05 Christina
2013-02-05 Collier's Daughter, The
2013-02-05 Handel with Care
2013-02-05 Yellow Stockings
2012-12-11 Amarillis
2012-12-11 Angels Unawares
2012-12-11 Drapers Gardens
2012-12-11 Jacob Hall's Jig
2012-12-11 Key to the Cellar
2012-12-11 Mount Hills
2012-12-11 Rufty Tufty
2012-10-16 Impropriety
2012-10-16 Rufty Tufty
2012-10-16 Safe Haven
2012-10-16 Turning by Threes
2012-10-16 Waltham Abbey (Roodman)
2012-10-16 Yellow Stockings
2012-09-11 Jack's Maggot
2012-09-11 Ragg, The
2012-09-11 Round about Our Coal Fire
2012-09-11 Sally in Our Alley
2012-09-11 Shandy Hall
2012-09-11 Stockport Assembly
2012-07-10 Angels Unawares
2012-07-10 Auretti's Dutch Skipper
2012-07-10 I Care Not for These Ladies
2012-07-10 Irish Lamination
2012-07-10 Lincoln
2012-06-05 All Saints'
2012-06-05 Irish Lamentation
2012-06-05 Lilli Burlero
2012-06-05 Wibsey Roundabout
2012-04-17 Benjamin's Birth Day
2012-04-17 Farewell Marian
2012-04-17 Handel with Care
2012-04-17 Juice of Barley
2012-04-17 Love and a Bottle
2012-04-17 Waltham Abbey (Roodman)
2012-03-20 Bar a Bar
2012-03-20 Lincoln
2012-03-20 Pursuit, The
2012-03-20 Spring Wedding
2012-03-20 Yellow Stockings
2012-03-06 Collier's Daughter, The
2012-03-06 Fresh Fields
2012-03-06 Jovial Beggars, The (Heffer & Porter)
2012-03-06 Stockport Assembly
2012-03-06 Waltham Abbey (Roodman)
2012-01-17 All Saints'
2012-01-17 Another Nancy's Fancy
2012-01-17 Handel with Care
2011-12-06 Frances Ann's Delight
2011-12-06 I Care Not for These Ladies
2011-12-06 Round about Our Coal Fire
2011-11-15 Angels Unawares
2011-11-15 Another Nancy's Fancy
2011-11-15 Auretti's Dutch Skipper
2011-11-15 Lancaster Lasses, The
2011-11-15 Mover and Shaker, A
2011-10-11 Bar a Bar
2011-10-11 Twenty-Something
2011-10-11 Yellow Stockings
2011-08-02 Astoria Lass
2011-08-02 In the Bleak Midwinter
2011-08-02 Shandy Hall
2011-07-05 Amarillis
2011-07-05 Christina
2011-07-05 Epping Forest
2011-07-05 Lady Williams's Delight
2011-06-14 Hole in the Wall, The
2011-06-14 Impropriety
2011-06-14 Ragg, The
2011-04-26 Honeysuckle Cottage
2011-04-26 Punch Bowl, The
2011-04-12 Alexander's Birth Day
2011-04-12 Bellamira
2011-04-12 Dear Abby
2011-04-12 Far Away
2011-04-12 Prince William
2011-04-12 Turning by Threes
2011-03-29 Bonny Cuckoo, The
2011-03-29 Lilli Burlero
2011-03-29 Smithy Hill
2011-03-29 Wibsey Roundabout