Caller History

Caller: Susie Lorand

Date Dance
2025-02-09 Doctor Vincent's Delight
2025-02-09 Fandango, The
2025-02-09 Smithy Hill
2025-02-09 Ties of Love
2025-02-04 Bishop, The
2025-02-04 Highland Farewell
2025-02-04 Mendocino Redwood
2025-02-04 Nottingham Swing
2025-02-04 Red House
2025-02-04 Trip to Provence
2025-01-21 Bar a Bar
2025-01-21 Brightest and Best
2025-01-21 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2025-01-21 Freeford Gardens
2025-01-21 Heading for Zero
2025-01-21 Indian Queen
2025-01-21 Key to the Cellar
2025-01-21 Mike's Health
2025-01-21 Mr. Isaac's Maggot
2025-01-21 Old Wife behind the Fire
2025-01-21 Saint Margaret's Hill
2025-01-21 Wood Duck, The
2024-12-17 Angels Unawares
2024-12-17 Female Saylor, The
2024-12-17 In the Fields in Frost and Snow
2024-12-17 Trip to Woodstock
2024-12-08 Brightest and Best
2024-12-08 Collier's Daughter, The
2024-12-08 Mistwold
2024-10-22 Beautyberry
2024-10-22 Corelli's Maggot
2024-10-22 Highland Farewell
2024-10-22 Midnight Ramble, The
2024-10-22 Smithy Hill
2024-10-22 Wood Duck, The
2024-09-03 Benjamin's Birth Day
2024-09-03 Cockle Shells
2024-09-03 De'il Take the Wars
2024-09-03 Female Saylor, The
2024-09-03 Jack's Maggot
2024-09-03 Sellenger's Round
2024-08-13 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2024-08-13 Ore Boggy
2024-08-13 Rakes of Rochester, The
2024-08-13 Yellow Stockings
2024-07-09 Angels Unawares
2024-07-09 Barbarini's Tambourine
2024-07-09 Collier's Daughter, The
2024-07-09 Corelli's Maggot
2024-07-09 Farmer's Joy, The
2024-07-09 Hambleton's Round O
2024-07-09 Nottingham Swing
2024-07-09 Sally in Our Alley
2024-07-09 Smithy Hill
2024-06-09 Easter Morn
2024-06-09 Well Hall
2024-05-14 Christina
2024-05-14 Cockle Shells
2024-05-14 Jack's Maggot
2024-05-14 Leah's Waltz
2024-05-14 Mr. Isaac's Maggot
2024-04-12 Early One Morning
2024-04-12 Punch Bowl, The
2024-04-12 Saint Margaret's Hill
2024-04-12 Sweet Potato Pie
2024-03-19 Ashford Anniversary, The
2024-03-19 De'il Take the Wars
2024-03-19 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2024-03-19 Heather Towers
2024-03-19 Long Odds, The
2024-03-19 Vermont Friends
2024-02-20 Bishop, The
2024-02-20 Christina
2024-02-20 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2024-02-20 Kill Him with Kindness
2024-02-20 Leah's Waltz
2024-01-16 Alice
2024-01-16 Childgrove
2024-01-16 Fiddler's Feat
2024-01-16 Long Odds, The
2024-01-16 Ties of Love
2024-01-16 Trip to Tunbridge, A
2024-01-14 Dunant House Waltz
2024-01-14 Mistwold
2023-12-05 Barbarini's Tambourine
2023-12-05 Dunant House Waltz
2023-12-05 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2023-12-05 Freeford Gardens
2023-12-05 Gene's Gambol
2023-12-05 Knives and Forks
2023-12-05 Mile of Smiles
2023-12-05 Sun Assembly
2023-10-31 All Saints'
2023-10-31 De'il Take the Wars
2023-10-31 Fuerst Maggot, The
2023-10-31 Jack's Maggot
2023-10-31 Kill Him with Kindness
2023-10-31 Lilli Burlero
2023-10-31 Look Both Ways
2023-10-31 Mr. Isaac's Maggot
2023-10-31 Slaughter House
2023-10-13 Graphite
2023-10-13 John the Madman
2023-10-13 Mike's Health
2023-10-13 Sally in Our Alley
2023-10-10 Farmer's Joy, The
2023-10-10 First of October, The
2023-10-10 Key to the Cellar
2023-10-10 Long Odds, The
2023-10-10 Remembering Mary Kay
2023-10-10 Wooing Mairi
2023-09-12 Barbarini's Tambourine
2023-09-12 Indian Queen
2023-09-12 Peace Be with You
2023-09-12 Safe Haven
2023-09-12 Take a Dance
2023-09-12 Trip to Paris, A
2023-09-08 Easter Morn
2023-09-08 Kensington Court
2023-09-08 Tanya Turns Five O
2023-08-22 Ashford Anniversary, The
2023-08-22 Christina
2023-08-22 Emma's Commencement
2023-08-22 Mendocino Redwood
2023-08-22 Sellenger's Round
2023-08-22 Sun Assembly
2023-06-11 Easter Morn
2023-06-11 Honeysuckle Cottage
2023-06-11 Leather Lake House
2023-05-09 Auretti's Dutch Skipper
2023-05-09 Christina
2023-05-09 Mount Hills
2023-05-09 Sun Assembly
2023-05-09 Trip to Paris, A
2023-05-09 Wooing Mairi
2023-03-28 Barbarini's Tambourine
2023-03-28 Farmer's Joy, The
2023-03-28 Honeysuckle Cottage
2023-03-28 Jack's Health
2023-03-28 Midnight Ramble, The
2023-03-28 Mrs. Savage's Whim
2023-03-28 Ore Boggy
2023-03-10 King of Poland
2023-03-10 Severn Bore, The
2023-03-10 Shropshire Lass
2023-02-28 Away with February
2023-02-28 Early Frost, An
2023-02-28 Knives and Forks
2023-02-28 Mike's Health
2023-02-28 Mistwold
2023-02-28 Take a Dance
2023-01-24 Brightest and Best
2023-01-24 Emma's Commencement
2023-01-24 Key to the Cellar
2023-01-24 Mendocino Redwood
2023-01-24 Trip to Paris, A
2023-01-24 Yellow Stockings
2022-12-11 Female Saylor, The
2022-12-11 Fiddler's Feat
2022-12-11 News from Tripoly
2022-12-11 Old Wife behind the Fire
2022-12-11 Ragg, The
2022-12-11 While We Are Together
2022-12-11 Wooing Mairi
2022-12-06 Candles in the Dark
2022-12-06 Michedonia
2022-12-06 Never Love Thee More
2022-12-06 Ore Boggy
2022-12-06 Sweet Potato Pie
2022-12-06 Well Hall
2022-10-11 Archer, The
2022-10-11 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2022-10-11 First of October, The
2022-10-11 Trip to Tunbridge, A
2022-10-11 Vermont Friends
2022-10-11 Young Widow, The
2022-09-13 Freeford Gardens
2022-09-13 Leah's Waltz
2022-09-13 Mile of Smiles
2022-09-13 Peace Be with You
2022-08-23 Barbarini's Tambourine
2022-08-23 Easter Morn
2022-08-23 Mount Hills
2022-08-23 Sally in Our Alley
2022-08-23 Sun Assembly
2022-08-23 Take a Dance
2022-05-24 Auretti's Dutch Skipper
2022-05-24 Key to the Cellar
2022-05-24 Mile of Smiles
2022-05-24 Sun Assembly
2022-05-24 Sweet Potato Pie
2022-05-24 Yellow Stockings
2020-03-03 Away with February
2020-03-03 Farmer's Joy, The
2020-03-03 Flighty Nymph, The
2020-03-03 From among Dragons
2020-03-03 Mount Hills
2020-02-14 Cressons, The
2020-02-14 Leslie's Valentine
2020-02-14 Muriel's Measure
2020-02-14 Winter Dreams
2020-02-04 Brightest and Best
2020-02-04 Health to All Honest Men, A
2020-02-04 Mike's Health
2020-02-04 Old Wife behind the Fire
2020-02-04 Scotch on the Rocks
2020-02-04 Vermont Friends
2019-12-10 Corelli's Maggot
2019-12-10 In the Fields in Frost and Snow
2019-12-10 Key to the Cellar
2019-12-10 Sun Assembly
2019-12-10 Take a Dance
2019-12-10 While We Are Together
2019-10-29 Farmer's Joy, The
2019-10-29 Hambleton's Round O
2019-10-29 Midnight Ramble, The
2019-10-29 Mr. Isaac's Maggot
2019-10-29 Sally in Our Alley
2019-10-01 Candles in the Dark
2019-10-01 First of October, The
2019-10-01 Mad Robin
2019-10-01 Mendocino Redwood
2019-10-01 Shrewsbury Lasses, The
2019-07-09 Auretti's Dutch Skipper
2019-07-09 Candles in the Dark
2019-07-09 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2019-07-09 Jamaica
2019-07-09 Mrs. Savage's Whim
2019-06-09 Potter's Wheel, The
2019-06-09 Well Hall
2019-02-26 Brightest and Best
2019-02-26 Fiddler's Feat
2019-02-26 Heading for Zero
2019-02-26 Mistwold
2019-02-26 Muriel's Measure
2019-02-26 Rafe's Waltz
2019-02-08 King of Poland
2019-02-08 Leslie's Valentine
2019-02-08 Rose of Sharon
2019-02-08 Winter Dreams
2018-12-04 Candles in the Dark
2018-12-04 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2018-12-04 Fenterlarick
2018-12-04 Lilli Burlero
2018-12-04 Mad Robin
2018-12-04 Ore Boggy
2018-12-04 Well Hall
2018-10-16 Ashford Anniversary, The
2018-10-16 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2018-10-16 Mendocino Redwood
2018-10-16 Mount Hills
2018-10-16 Sun Assembly
2018-10-16 Young Widow, The
2018-09-14 Champagne
2018-09-14 Scotch on the Rocks
2018-07-10 Candles in the Dark
2018-07-10 Early One Morning
2018-07-10 Juice of Barley
2018-07-10 Mistwold
2018-07-10 Sun Assembly
2018-07-10 Upon a Summer's Day
2018-07-10 Well Hall
2018-06-10 Barbarini's Tambourine
2018-06-10 Elizabeth
2018-05-22 Farmer's Joy, The
2018-05-22 Key to the Cellar
2018-05-22 Michedonia
2018-05-22 Mr. Isaac's Maggot
2018-05-22 Muriel's Measure
2018-05-22 Peace Be with You
2018-04-13 Easter Thursday
2018-04-13 Health to All Honest Men, A
2018-04-13 King of Poland
2018-04-13 Mistwold
2018-03-27 Brightest and Best
2018-03-27 Elizabeth
2018-03-27 Graphite
2018-03-27 Off She Goes
2018-03-27 Sally in Our Alley
2018-03-27 Sun Assembly
2018-01-16 Fiddler's Feat
2018-01-16 In the Fields in Frost and Snow
2018-01-16 Jamaica
2018-01-16 Mile of Smiles
2018-01-16 Winter Dreams
2018-01-16 Wood Duck, The
2017-11-14 Corelli's Maggot
2017-11-14 Freeford Gardens
2017-11-14 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2017-11-14 Michael and All Angels
2017-11-14 Shropshire Lass
2017-09-05 Barbarini's Tambourine
2017-09-05 Childgrove
2017-09-05 Farmer's Joy, The
2017-09-05 Hambleton's Round O
2017-09-05 Jack's Health
2017-09-05 Sun Assembly
2017-06-20 Fenterlarick
2017-06-20 Key to the Cellar
2017-06-20 Mr. Isaac's Maggot
2017-06-20 Rafe's Waltz
2017-06-20 Take a Dance
2017-06-20 Yellow Stockings
2017-05-09 Dunant House Waltz
2017-05-09 Easter Morn
2017-05-09 Graphite
2017-05-09 Mount Hills
2017-05-09 Young Widow, The
2016-11-22 Fiddler's Feat
2016-11-22 In the Fields in Frost and Snow
2016-11-22 Jamaica
2016-11-22 Sellenger's Round
2016-11-22 Young Widow, The
2016-11-01 Christina
2016-11-01 Corelli's Maggot
2016-11-01 Early Frost, An
2016-11-01 Jack's Health
2016-11-01 Jack's Maggot
2016-11-01 Take a Dance
2016-09-06 Childgrove
2016-09-06 Dancing Wife, The
2016-09-06 Farmer's Joy, The
2016-09-06 Honeysuckle Cottage
2016-09-06 Lilli Burlero
2016-09-06 Mile of Smiles
2016-08-16 Early One Morning
2016-08-16 News from Tripoly
2016-08-16 Wood Duck, The
2016-07-12 Cockle Shells
2016-07-12 Early Frost, An
2016-07-12 Jack's Health
2016-07-12 Mendocino Redwood
2016-07-12 Wooing Mairi
2016-07-12 Zephyrs and Flora
2016-05-03 Corelli's Maggot
2016-05-03 De'il Take the Wars
2016-05-03 Excuse Me
2016-05-03 Leather Lake House
2016-05-03 Set for Spring
2016-05-03 Siege of Limerick, The
2016-04-12 Bar a Bar
2016-04-12 Bishop, The
2016-04-12 Farmer's Joy, The
2016-04-12 Mad Robin
2016-04-12 Shropshire Lass
2016-04-12 Take a Dance
2016-02-02 Dancing Wife, The
2016-02-02 Excuse Me
2016-02-02 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2016-02-02 Hole in the Wall, The
2016-01-19 Archer, The
2016-01-19 Christina
2016-01-19 Jack's Health
2016-01-19 Mendocino Redwood
2016-01-19 Rafe's Waltz
2015-10-06 Bar a Bar
2015-10-06 Hambleton's Round O
2015-10-06 Mr. Isaac's Maggot
2015-10-06 Sally in Our Alley
2015-10-06 Sun Assembly
2015-10-06 Trip to Tunbridge, A
2015-09-08 Cockle Shells
2015-09-08 Corelli's Maggot
2015-09-08 Jack's Health
2015-09-08 Peace Be with You
2015-09-08 Rose in Bloom
2015-09-08 Trim the Sails
2015-07-21 Ashford Anniversary, The
2015-07-21 Christina
2015-07-21 Collier's Daughter, The
2015-07-21 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2015-07-21 Graphite
2015-07-21 Sun Assembly
2015-06-02 Apley House
2015-06-02 Barbarini's Tambourine
2015-06-02 Childgrove
2015-06-02 Never Love Thee More
2015-05-05 Bar a Bar
2015-05-05 Fandango, The
2015-05-05 Honeysuckle Cottage
2015-05-05 Jack's Health
2015-05-05 Mulberry Garden, The
2015-02-24 Auretti's Dutch Skipper
2015-02-24 Christina
2015-02-24 Dunant House Waltz
2015-02-24 Jack's Maggot
2015-02-24 Sally in Our Alley
2015-02-24 Sun Assembly
2015-01-20 Ashford Anniversary, The
2015-01-20 Fenterlarick
2015-01-20 Heading for Zero
2015-01-20 Mad Robin
2015-01-20 Mendocino Redwood
2015-01-20 Well Hall
2014-09-02 Auretti's Dutch Skipper
2014-09-02 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2014-09-02 Graphite
2014-09-02 Halfe Hannikin
2014-09-02 Sally in Our Alley
2014-09-02 Yellow Stockings
2014-04-15 Bishop, The
2014-04-15 Easter Eve
2014-04-15 Jack's Health
2014-04-15 Mount Hills
2014-04-15 Mrs. Savage's Whim
2014-04-15 Mulberry Garden, The
2014-04-15 Sally in Our Alley
2014-02-18 Corelli's Maggot
2014-02-18 Easter Morn
2014-02-18 Excuse Me
2014-02-18 Hambleton's Round O
2014-02-18 Knives and Forks
2014-02-18 Never Love Thee More
2014-01-21 Apley House
2014-01-21 Ashford Anniversary, The
2014-01-21 Early Frost, An
2014-01-21 Heading for Zero
2014-01-21 Yellow Stockings
2014-01-21 Young Widow, The
2013-12-03 Childgrove
2013-12-03 Gathering Peascods
2013-12-03 Jack's Health
2013-12-03 Lilli Burlero
2013-12-03 Remembering Mary Kay
2013-10-01 Emma's Commencement
2013-10-01 Hole in the Wall, The
2013-10-01 Jack's Maggot
2013-10-01 Lilli Burlero
2013-10-01 Mistwold
2013-10-01 Trip to Tunbridge, A
2013-10-01 Zephyrs and Flora
2013-08-13 Auretti's Dutch Skipper
2013-08-13 Early Frost, An
2013-08-13 Fenterlarick
2013-08-13 Fiddler's Feat
2013-08-13 Gene's Gambol
2013-07-02 Dancing Wife, The
2013-07-02 Easter Morn
2013-07-02 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2013-07-02 Mr. Isaac's Maggot
2013-07-02 Rose of Sharon
2013-07-02 Shropshire Lass
2013-05-14 Bishop, The
2013-05-14 Early Frost, An
2013-05-14 Mad Robin
2013-05-14 Now Is the Month of Maying
2013-05-14 Off She Goes
2013-05-14 Zephyrs and Flora
2013-03-26 De'il Take the Wars
2013-03-26 Easter Morn
2013-03-26 Fandango, The
2013-03-26 Fenterlarick
2013-03-26 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2013-03-26 Graphite
2013-02-12 Birthday Branle
2013-02-12 Emma's Commencement
2013-02-12 Mendocino Redwood
2013-02-12 Off She Goes
2013-02-12 Rose of Sharon
2012-06-27 Bishop, The
2012-06-27 Christchurch Bells
2012-06-27 Mad Robin
2012-06-27 Peter and Peggy
2012-06-27 Trip to Paris, A
2011-05-17 Bishop, The
2011-05-17 Hole in the Wall, The
2011-05-17 Newcastle Circle
2011-05-17 Now Is the Month of Maying
2011-05-17 Upon a Summer's Day
2011-02-08 Dunant House Waltz
2011-02-08 Mad Robin
2011-02-08 Mr. Isaac's Maggot
2011-02-08 Young Widow, The
2010-10-19 Bishop, The
2010-10-19 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2010-10-19 Female Saylor, The
2010-07-20 Key to the Cellar
2010-07-20 Trip to Tunbridge, A
2010-05-04 De'il Take the Wars
2010-05-04 Easter Tuesday
2010-05-04 Off She Goes
2010-05-04 Young Widow, The
2010-02-16 Apley House
2010-02-16 Cockle Shells
2010-02-16 Key to the Cellar
2009-12-08 Fenterlarick
2009-12-08 Mistwold
2009-12-08 Shortest Day, The
2009-11-10 Fandango, The
2009-11-10 Knives and Forks
2009-11-10 Ore Boggy
2009-10-13 Queen's Jig, The
2009-10-13 Rufty Tufty
2009-09-15 Dancing Wife, The
2009-09-15 Heartsease
2009-09-15 Sellenger's Round
2009-02-03 Fenterlarick
2009-02-03 Rufty Tufty
2009-02-03 Take a Dance
2009-01-13 Shortest Day, The
2008-07-22 Fandango, The
2008-07-22 Maiden Lane
2008-07-22 Mistwold
2008-07-22 Ore Boggy
2008-06-10 Fenterlarick
2008-06-10 Mistwold
2007-10-16 Take a Dance
2007-08-07 Black Nag
2007-08-07 Drapers Gardens
2007-08-07 Nottingham Swing
2007-08-07 Take a Dance
2007-07-24 Childgrove
2007-07-24 Hole in the Wall, The
2007-06-12 Drapers Gardens
2007-06-12 Take a Dance