Caller History

Caller: Steve Gold

Date Dance
2006-08-08 Elizabeth
2006-08-08 Hole in the Wall, The
2006-07-11 Drapers Gardens
2006-07-11 Easter Morn
2006-05-09 Bonny Cuckoo, The
2006-05-09 Softly Good Tummas
2006-04-18 Levi Jackson Rag
2006-03-21 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2006-03-21 Irish Lamentation
2006-03-21 Wood Duck, The
2006-02-07 Walpole Cottage
2005-11-22 Bear Went over the Mountain, The
2005-11-22 Busy Body, The
2005-11-22 Jamaica
2005-11-22 Look Both Ways
2005-11-15 Drapers Gardens
2005-11-15 Trip to Paris, A
2005-11-01 Levi Jackson Rag
2005-10-04 Dover Pier
2005-10-04 Juice of Barley
2005-08-02 Hole in the Wall, The
2005-08-02 Oranges and Lemons
2005-08-02 Portsmouth
2005-06-28 Drapers Gardens
2005-06-28 K and E
2005-06-28 Wood Duck, The
2005-06-14 Hole in the Wall, The
2005-06-14 Walpole Cottage
2005-05-31 Dressed Ship, The
2005-05-03 Dick's Maggot
2005-05-03 Drapers Gardens
2005-05-03 Hole in the Wall, The
2005-05-03 Knole Park
2005-03-29 Columbus Anniversary
2005-03-29 Hyde Park
2005-03-22 Black Nag
2005-03-22 Levi Jackson Rag
2005-02-22 Easter Morn
2005-02-22 Hey, Boys, Up Go We
2005-02-22 Holborn March
2005-01-11 Jamaica
2005-01-11 Sellenger's Round
2005-01-11 Speed the Plough
2004-11-30 Dublin Bay
2004-11-30 Waters of Holland, The
2004-11-23 Walpole Cottage
2004-11-23 Wood Duck, The
2004-09-21 Christchurch Bells
2004-09-21 Indian Queen
2004-09-21 Levi Jackson Rag