Caller History

Caller: Arlene Kindel

Date Dance
2025-01-07 Drummer, The
2025-01-07 Saint Catherine
2025-01-07 Sir Watkin's Jig
2025-01-07 To Dance Devine
2025-01-07 Yellow Stockings
2024-12-08 Companions
2024-12-08 Gigue for Genny
2024-12-08 Noisette
2024-12-03 Emma's Commencement
2024-12-03 Hazelfern Place
2024-12-03 Rain on the Roof
2024-10-02 Collier's Daughter, The
2024-10-02 Love Always
2024-10-02 Turn of the Tide
2024-10-02 We Meet Again
2024-09-10 Bar a Bar
2024-09-10 Bashful Swain, The
2024-09-10 Bishop, The
2024-09-10 Fop's Fancy
2024-09-10 La Gavre
2024-09-10 Never Love Thee More
2024-09-10 New Leaf, A
2024-09-10 Physical Snob, The
2024-09-10 Shropshire Lass
2024-09-10 Sunlight through Draperies
2024-09-10 Tambourine Dance
2024-09-10 Vermont Friends
2024-08-20 Childgrove
2024-08-20 Eastbourne Rover, The
2024-08-20 Jack's Health
2024-08-20 New Leaf, A
2024-07-16 Hazelfern Place
2024-07-16 Highland Farewell
2024-07-16 New Decade Waltz
2024-07-16 Willy Nilly
2024-06-09 Autumn in Amherst
2024-06-09 Fair and Softly
2024-06-09 Hudson Barn
2024-06-04 Bonny Grey-Ey'd Morn
2024-06-04 Drummer, The
2024-06-04 Haymakers, The
2024-06-04 Home Again
2024-05-07 Comical Fellow, The
2024-05-07 Elverton Grove
2024-05-07 Jovial Beggars, The (Playford)
2024-05-07 Pursuit, The
2024-05-07 Salt of the Earth
2024-04-30 Highland Farewell
2024-04-30 Muriel's Measure
2024-04-30 Pterocotta
2024-04-30 Saint Catherine
2024-04-30 Yellow Stockings
2024-04-16 Black Bess
2024-04-16 Flying Sorceress, The
2024-04-16 Orca
2024-04-16 Princess, The
2024-04-16 Red and All Red
2024-03-12 New Beginning, A
2024-03-12 Orange Nan
2024-03-12 Rain on the Roof
2024-03-12 We Meet Again
2024-02-13 Atossa's Gift
2024-02-13 Flowers and Candy
2024-02-13 Love Always
2024-02-13 Ore Boggy
2024-02-13 To Dance Devine
2024-02-11 Gigue for Genny
2024-02-11 Heartfelt
2024-02-11 Homecoming, The
2024-02-11 Linda's Light
2023-11-21 Cockle Shells
2023-11-21 Collier's Daughter, The
2023-11-21 Early Frost, An
2023-11-21 Flixton House
2023-11-21 Haymakers, The
2023-11-07 Autumn in Amherst
2023-11-07 IrfĂ´na's Waltz
2023-11-07 Leather Lake House
2023-11-07 Sadler's Wells
2023-11-07 Softly Good Tummas
2023-09-19 Astoria Lass
2023-09-19 Cottonwood
2023-09-19 Dancing Wife, The
2023-09-19 Elverton Grove
2023-09-19 Fuerst Maggot, The
2023-09-19 Indian Queen
2023-09-19 Jack's Maggot
2023-09-19 Love Always
2023-09-19 Pursuit, The
2023-09-19 Salt of the Earth
2023-09-19 Vermont Friends
2023-09-08 Linda's Light
2023-09-08 Pterocotta
2023-09-05 Atossa's Gift
2023-09-05 Highland Farewell
2023-09-05 Red House
2023-09-05 Renewal
2023-09-05 Saint Catherine
2023-09-05 Terpsicourante
2023-08-15 Apley House
2023-08-15 Drummer, The
2023-08-15 Pterocotta
2023-08-15 Queen's Birthday, The
2023-08-15 Ties of Love
2023-08-15 Wa Is Me, What Mun I Do!
2023-07-18 Collier's Daughter, The
2023-07-18 Hazelfern Place
2023-07-18 La Gavre
2023-07-18 Mistwold
2023-07-18 New Leaf, A
2023-07-18 Ore Boggy
2023-07-18 Rain on the Roof
2023-07-18 Southwind (Winston)
2023-07-18 To Dance Devine
2023-06-27 Flying Sorceress, The
2023-06-27 Gigue for Genny
2023-06-27 Hen Run, The
2023-06-27 Josephine
2023-06-27 Jovial Beggars, The (Playford)
2023-06-27 Yellow Stockings
2023-06-13 Bonny Grey-Ey'd Morn
2023-06-13 Childgrove
2023-06-13 Kill Him with Kindness
2023-06-13 Orca
2023-06-13 Princess, The
2023-06-13 Trip to the Manors
2023-06-11 Autumn in Amherst
2023-06-11 Bar a Bar
2023-06-11 Fair and Softly
2023-04-25 Benjamin's Birth Day
2023-04-25 Salt of the Earth
2023-04-25 Sion House
2023-04-25 Sir Watkin's Jig
2023-04-25 Well Done Jack
2023-04-25 Willy Nilly
2023-04-04 Comical Fellow, The
2023-04-04 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2023-04-04 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2023-04-04 Mad Robin
2023-04-04 Mignonette
2023-04-04 Sadler's Wells
2023-03-28 Lilli Burlero
2023-03-28 Rose of Sharon
2023-03-28 Trip to Kilburn, A
2023-03-21 Rain on the Roof
2023-03-21 Renewal
2023-03-21 Sunlight through Draperies
2023-03-21 Vermont Friends
2023-03-21 Wibsey Roundabout
2023-03-10 Collier's Daughter, The
2023-03-10 Companions
2023-03-10 Familiar Quotations
2023-03-10 Hazelfern Place
2023-02-14 Alice
2023-02-14 Atossa's Gift
2023-02-14 Cupid's Revenge
2023-02-14 Leslie's Valentine
2023-02-14 New Leaf, A
2023-02-14 Pursuit, The
2023-02-14 Red and All Red
2023-02-14 Ties of Love
2023-02-14 To Dance Devine
2023-02-14 Wooing Mairi
2022-12-13 Dancing Wife, The
2022-12-13 Drummer, The
2022-12-13 Flixton House
2022-12-13 New Beginning, A
2022-12-13 Room for Ramblers
2022-11-01 Comical Fellow, The
2022-11-01 Jack's Maggot
2022-11-01 Midwinter Maggot
2022-11-01 Ties of Love
2022-10-04 Flying Sorceress, The
2022-10-04 New Leaf, A
2022-10-04 Renewal
2022-10-04 Terpsicourante
2022-10-04 Trip to the Manors
2022-09-06 Benjamin's Birth Day
2022-09-06 Early Frost, An
2022-09-06 Emma's Commencement
2022-09-06 Hazelfern Place
2022-09-06 Knives and Forks
2022-09-06 Mad Robin
2022-09-06 Red House
2022-09-06 True Kit
2022-09-06 Willy Nilly
2022-08-09 Atossa's Gift
2022-08-09 Dublin Bay
2022-08-09 Haymakers, The
2022-08-09 La Gavre
2022-08-09 Mignonette
2022-08-09 New Leaf, A
2022-08-09 Pursuit, The
2022-08-09 Sir Watkin's Jig
2022-08-09 Wa Is Me, What Mun I Do!
2022-08-09 Well Hall
2022-07-19 Flowers and Candy
2022-07-19 Hands across the Border
2022-07-19 Orca
2022-07-19 Rose of Sharon
2022-06-14 Autumn in Amherst
2022-06-14 Honeysuckle Cottage
2022-06-14 Jovial Beggars, The (Playford)
2022-06-14 Leather Lake House
2022-06-14 Leslie's Valentine
2022-06-14 Muriel's Measure
2022-06-14 Ore Boggy
2022-06-14 Queen's Birthday, The
2022-06-14 Saint Catherine
2022-06-14 Salt of the Earth
2022-06-12 Bar a Bar
2022-06-12 Sun Assembly
2022-06-12 Wibsey Roundabout
2022-05-17 Bonny Grey-Ey'd Morn
2022-05-17 Drummer, The
2022-05-17 Elverton Grove
2022-05-17 Kill Him with Kindness
2022-05-17 Mount Hills
2022-05-17 Princess, The
2022-05-17 Sadler's Wells
2022-05-17 Ties of Love
2022-05-17 Trip to Tunbridge, A
2022-05-17 Turn of the Tide
2022-04-12 Collier's Daughter, The
2022-04-12 Dover Pier
2022-04-12 Orange Nan
2022-04-12 Rain on the Roof
2022-04-12 Sunlight through Draperies
2022-04-12 Well Done Jack
2020-02-18 Childgrove
2020-02-18 Dancing Wife, The
2020-02-18 Elverton Grove
2020-02-18 Flying Sorceress, The
2020-02-18 Hen Run, The
2020-02-18 Josephine
2020-02-18 Kelsterne Gardens
2020-02-18 Princess, The
2020-02-18 Ties of Love
2020-02-18 To Dance Devine
2020-02-18 Wibsey Roundabout
2020-01-28 Fandango, The
2020-01-28 Orange Nan
2020-01-28 Orca
2020-01-28 Salt of the Earth
2020-01-28 Sion House
2020-01-14 Astoria Lass
2020-01-14 Atossa's Gift
2020-01-14 Flowers and Candy
2020-01-14 Jumpers Chase
2020-01-14 Trip to Tunbridge, A
2020-01-14 Yellow Stockings
2019-12-03 Drummer, The
2019-12-03 Emma's Commencement
2019-12-03 Kill Him with Kindness
2019-12-03 Saint Catherine
2019-12-03 Sir Watkin's Jig
2019-12-03 Wa Is Me, What Mun I Do!
2019-11-19 Black Bess
2019-11-19 Childgrove
2019-11-19 Collier's Daughter, The
2019-11-19 Dover Pier
2019-11-19 IrfĂ´na's Waltz
2019-11-19 Renewal
2019-10-15 Autumn in Amherst
2019-10-15 Hambleton's Round O
2019-10-15 Hazelfern Place
2019-10-15 Jovial Beggars, The (Playford)
2019-10-15 Midwinter Maggot
2019-10-11 Familiar Quotations
2019-10-11 Morgan Magan
2019-10-11 On Wittman's Golden Floor
2019-10-11 Sadler's Wells
2019-10-11 Ties of Love
2019-10-01 Early Frost, An
2019-10-01 Fourpence Ha'penny Farthing
2019-09-10 Benjamin's Birth Day
2019-09-10 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2019-09-10 Flixton House
2019-09-10 Henry's Other Hornpipe
2019-09-10 Mignonette
2019-09-10 Peace Be with You
2019-07-23 Flowers and Candy
2019-07-23 Hands across the Border
2019-07-23 Hen Run, The
2019-07-23 Princess, The
2019-07-23 Turn of the Tide
2019-05-21 Elverton Grove
2019-05-21 Portsmouth
2019-05-21 Renewal
2019-05-21 Sadler's Wells
2019-05-21 Sunlight through Draperies
2019-05-07 Kill Him with Kindness
2019-05-07 Orca
2019-05-07 Red House
2019-05-07 Sir Watkin's Jig
2019-03-12 Christchurch Bells
2019-03-12 La Gavre
2019-03-12 Mount Hills
2019-03-12 Pursuit, The
2019-03-12 Renewal
2019-02-19 Atossa's Gift
2019-02-19 Easter Morn
2019-02-19 Gigue for Genny
2019-02-19 Queen's Birthday, The
2019-02-19 Willy Nilly
2019-02-19 Young Widow, The
2019-02-05 Drummer, The
2019-02-05 In the Bleak Midwinter
2019-02-05 Leslie's Valentine
2019-02-05 Midwinter Maggot
2019-02-05 New Beginning, A
2019-02-05 Rain on the Roof
2019-01-15 Haymakers, The
2019-01-15 Hen Run, The
2019-01-15 Honeysuckle Cottage
2019-01-15 In the Bleak Midwinter
2019-01-15 Vermont Friends
2019-01-15 Wa Is Me, What Mun I Do!
2018-12-11 Flowers and Candy
2018-12-11 Henry's Other Hornpipe
2018-12-11 IrfĂ´na's Waltz
2018-12-11 Ragg, The
2018-12-11 Salt of the Earth
2018-11-13 Dublin Bay
2018-11-13 Hazelfern Place
2018-11-13 Jovial Beggars, The (Heffer & Porter)
2018-11-13 Orange Nan
2018-10-16 Apley House
2018-10-16 Collier's Daughter, The
2018-10-16 Dover Pier
2018-10-16 Early Frost, An
2018-10-16 Juice of Barley
2018-10-16 Well Hall
2018-09-11 Black Bess
2018-09-11 Hands across the Border
2018-09-11 Peace Be with You
2018-07-31 Comical Fellow, The
2018-07-31 Drummer, The
2018-07-31 Fine Lady of Homewood, The
2018-07-31 Flying Sorceress, The
2018-07-31 Sadler's Wells
2018-07-31 Trip to the Manors
2018-07-17 Cottonwood
2018-07-17 Dancing Wife, The
2018-07-17 Mignonette
2018-07-17 Orca
2018-07-17 Ram Meadow
2018-07-17 Six for the Six Proud Walkers
2018-06-12 Atossa's Gift
2018-06-12 Homecoming, The
2018-06-12 Josephine
2018-06-12 Princess, The
2018-05-22 All Who Wander
2018-05-22 Gigue for Genny
2018-05-22 La Gavre
2018-05-22 Pursuit, The
2018-05-22 Saint Catherine
2018-05-22 Willy Nilly
2018-05-01 Morgan Magan
2018-05-01 Sion House
2018-05-01 Sunlight through Draperies
2018-05-01 Terpsicourante
2018-03-27 Hambleton's Round O
2018-03-27 Rain on the Roof
2018-03-27 Sir Watkin's Jig
2018-03-27 Southwind (Winston)
2018-03-27 Vermont Friends
2018-03-06 Arcadia
2018-03-06 Flixton House
2018-03-06 Flowers and Candy
2018-03-06 Hen Run, The
2018-03-06 Jovial Beggars, The (Playford)
2018-03-06 Kill Him with Kindness
2018-03-06 Salt of the Earth
2018-03-06 Softly Good Tummas
2018-03-06 Yellow Stockings
2018-02-13 Dublin Bay
2018-02-13 Freeford Gardens
2018-02-13 Jack's Health
2018-02-13 Leslie's Valentine
2018-02-13 True Kit
2018-02-13 Turn of the Tide
2017-12-12 Childgrove
2017-12-12 Drummer, The
2017-12-12 Flying Sorceress, The
2017-12-12 Vermont Friends
2017-12-12 Wibsey Roundabout
2017-11-21 Cottonwood
2017-11-21 Mount Hills
2017-11-21 Ragg, The
2017-11-21 Room for Ramblers
2017-11-21 Wa Is Me, What Mun I Do!
2017-10-03 Collier's Daughter, The
2017-10-03 Fourpence Ha'penny Farthing
2017-10-03 Haymakers, The
2017-10-03 Henry's Other Hornpipe
2017-10-03 IrfĂ´na's Waltz
2017-10-03 Jovial Beggars, The (Playford)
2017-09-08 Arcadia
2017-09-08 Nine Tailors, The
2017-09-05 Dick's Alternate Maggot
2017-09-05 Miss Sayer's Allemande
2017-09-05 Pursuit, The
2017-09-05 Sunlight through Draperies
2017-09-05 Volpony
2017-08-08 Astoria Lass
2017-08-08 Leslie's Valentine
2017-08-08 Red and All Red
2017-08-08 Sadler's Wells
2017-08-08 Sion House
2017-08-08 Softly Good Tummas
2017-06-27 All Who Wander
2017-06-27 Comical Fellow, The
2017-06-27 Flixton House
2017-06-27 Jovial Beggars, The (Playford)
2017-06-27 Kelsterne Gardens
2017-06-27 Kill Him with Kindness
2017-06-27 Mignonette
2017-06-27 Neat, Mr. John
2017-06-27 Princess, The
2017-06-27 Sun Assembly
2017-06-27 Whiskers
2017-06-13 Bishop, The
2017-06-13 Dancing Wife, The
2017-06-13 La Gavre
2017-06-13 Saint Catherine
2017-06-13 Salt of the Earth
2017-06-13 Terpsicourante
2017-05-09 Dublin Bay
2017-05-09 Flowers and Candy
2017-05-09 Morgan Magan
2017-05-09 Southwind (Winston)
2017-05-09 Willy Nilly
2017-04-18 1A
2017-04-18 Emma's Commencement
2017-04-18 Gigue for Genny
2017-04-18 Rain on the Roof
2017-03-28 Flying Sorceress, The
2017-03-28 Jack's Maggot
2017-03-28 Josephine
2017-03-28 Sadler's Wells
2017-03-14 Drummer, The
2017-03-14 In the Bleak Midwinter
2017-03-14 Sir Watkin's Jig
2017-03-14 Southwind (Winston)
2017-01-24 Comical Fellow, The
2017-01-24 Hudson Barn
2017-01-24 Orange Nan
2017-01-24 Sleeping in the Attic
2017-01-24 Wa Is Me, What Mun I Do!
2017-01-10 Midwinter Maggot
2017-01-10 New Beginning, A
2017-01-10 Orca
2017-01-10 Princess, The
2017-01-10 Ragg, The
2016-11-29 Drummer, The
2016-11-29 Fenterlarick
2016-11-29 Jacob Hall's Jig
2016-11-29 Rose of Sharon
2016-11-29 Wood Lark
2016-10-25 Epping Forest
2016-10-25 Heading for Zero
2016-10-25 Juice of Barley
2016-10-25 Mistwold
2016-10-25 Salt of the Earth
2016-10-25 Waltham Abbey (Roodman)
2016-10-11 Autumn in Amherst
2016-10-11 Flixton House
2016-10-11 Queen's Birthday, The
2016-09-13 Benjamin's Birth Day
2016-09-13 Portabella
2016-09-13 Rain on the Roof
2016-09-13 Sunlight through Draperies
2016-09-13 True Kit
2016-09-13 Whiskers
2016-08-09 Another Nancy's Fancy
2016-08-09 Haymakers, The
2016-08-09 Henry's Hornpipe
2016-08-09 High Ginks
2016-08-09 Marching to Praetorius
2016-07-19 Mignonette
2016-07-19 Pleasures of the Town, The
2016-07-19 Saint Catherine
2016-07-19 Softly Good Tummas
2016-06-14 Foot It Featly
2016-06-14 Mount Hills
2016-06-14 Peace Be with You
2016-06-14 Red House
2016-06-14 Red and All Red
2016-06-14 Sion House
2016-06-14 Yellow Stockings
2016-05-31 Black Bess
2016-05-31 Flowers and Candy
2016-05-31 Flying Sorceress, The
2016-05-31 Homecoming, The
2016-05-31 Knives and Forks
2016-05-31 Orca
2016-05-31 Rufty Tufty
2016-05-17 Cottonwood
2016-05-17 Fine Lady of Homewood, The
2016-05-17 Hudson Barn
2016-05-17 Key to the Cellar
2016-05-17 Muriel's Measure
2016-05-17 Ragg, The
2016-05-17 Willy Nilly
2016-04-12 Dancing Wife, The
2016-04-12 Early Frost, An
2016-04-12 Princess, The
2016-04-12 Sir Watkin's Jig
2016-04-12 Well Done Jack
2016-03-22 Collier's Daughter, The
2016-03-22 Dublin Bay
2016-03-22 Flixton House
2016-03-22 Flying Sorceress, The
2016-03-22 Haymakers, The
2016-03-22 Honeysuckle Cottage
2016-03-22 Rain on the Roof
2016-03-22 Sadler's Wells
2016-03-22 Salt of the Earth
2016-03-22 True Kit
2016-03-22 Wibsey Roundabout
2016-03-08 Bonny Grey-Ey'd Morn
2016-03-08 Childgrove
2016-03-08 Comical Fellow, The
2016-03-08 Midwinter Maggot
2016-03-08 Round, The
2015-12-15 Elverton Grove
2015-12-15 Henry's Other Hornpipe
2015-12-15 Pursuit, The
2015-12-15 Terpsicourante
2015-11-10 All Who Wander
2015-11-10 Orange Nan
2015-11-10 Ragg, The
2015-11-10 Volpony
2015-11-10 Wooing Mairi
2015-11-10 Young Widow, The
2015-10-06 Autumn in Amherst
2015-10-06 Flowers and Candy
2015-10-06 Good Man of Cambridge
2015-10-06 Morgan Magan
2015-10-06 Red and All Red
2015-09-15 Dancing Wife, The
2015-09-15 Dick's Maggot
2015-09-15 Rain on the Roof
2015-09-15 Room for Ramblers
2015-09-15 Rose of Sharon
2015-09-15 Trip to the Manors
2015-08-04 Collier's Daughter, The
2015-08-04 Emma's Commencement
2015-08-04 Fair Quaker of Deal, The
2015-08-04 Flixton House
2015-08-04 Leslie's Valentine
2015-08-04 New Beginning, A
2015-08-04 Queen's Birthday, The
2015-07-07 Haymakers, The
2015-07-07 Jack's Health
2015-07-07 Miss Sayer's Allemande
2015-07-07 Sadler's Wells
2015-07-07 Salt of the Earth
2015-07-07 Well Hall
2015-06-16 Hit and Miss
2015-06-16 Josephine
2015-06-16 Mount Hills
2015-06-16 Saint Catherine
2015-06-16 Sellenger's Round
2015-06-16 Turn of the Tide
2015-05-19 All Who Wander
2015-05-19 Comical Fellow, The
2015-05-19 Cottonwood
2015-05-19 Fine Lady of Homewood, The
2015-05-19 Sir Watkin's Jig
2015-05-19 Well Done Jack
2015-03-31 Apley House
2015-03-31 Gigue for Genny
2015-03-31 Henry's Hornpipe
2015-03-31 La Gavre
2015-03-31 Rufty Tufty
2015-03-31 Well Hall
2015-03-10 Emma's Commencement
2015-03-10 Muriel's Measure
2015-03-10 On Wittman's Golden Floor
2015-03-10 Orca
2015-03-10 Princess, The
2015-02-10 Comical Fellow, The
2015-02-10 Haymakers, The
2015-02-10 Mignonette
2015-02-10 Red House
2015-02-10 Sadler's Wells
2015-01-13 Childgrove
2015-01-13 Flixton House
2015-01-13 Hey, Boys, Up Go We
2015-01-13 Knives and Forks
2015-01-13 True Kit
2014-12-09 Brightest and Best
2014-12-09 Dover Pier
2014-12-09 Elverton Grove
2014-12-09 Fair and Softly
2014-11-25 Early Frost, An
2014-11-25 Good Man of Cambridge
2014-11-25 Hambleton's Round O
2014-11-25 Wa Is Me, What Mun I Do!
2014-11-25 Wibsey Roundabout
2014-11-11 Autumn in Amherst
2014-11-11 Bar a Bar
2014-11-11 Benjamin's Birth Day
2014-11-11 Freeford Gardens
2014-11-11 Kelsterne Gardens
2014-11-11 Salt of the Earth
2014-10-21 Flowers and Candy
2014-10-21 Jumpers Chase
2014-10-21 Red and All Red
2014-10-21 Sir Watkin's Jig
2014-10-21 Willy Nilly
2014-09-16 Collier's Daughter, The
2014-09-16 Fair Quaker of Deal, The
2014-09-16 Haymakers, The
2014-09-16 Orange Nan
2014-09-16 Red House
2014-09-16 Volpony
2014-07-15 Apley House
2014-07-15 Astoria Lass
2014-07-15 Dancing Wife, The
2014-07-15 Dick's Alternate Maggot
2014-07-15 Neat, Mr. John
2014-07-01 Comical Fellow, The
2014-07-01 Elizabeth
2014-07-01 Round, The
2014-07-01 Sadler's Wells
2014-06-17 Bonny Grey-Ey'd Morn
2014-06-17 Childgrove
2014-06-17 Christchurch Bells
2014-06-17 Dover Pier
2014-06-17 Dublin Bay
2014-06-17 Fine Lady of Homewood, The
2014-06-17 Flixton House
2014-06-17 Jack's Health
2014-06-17 Juice of Barley
2014-06-17 Mad Robin
2014-06-17 Well Hall
2014-05-20 Marching to Praetorius
2014-05-20 Pursuit, The
2014-05-20 Saint Catherine
2014-05-20 Six for the Six Proud Walkers
2014-05-20 Terpsicourante
2014-05-20 Turn of the Tide
2014-04-15 Benjamin's Birth Day
2014-04-15 Cottonwood
2014-04-15 Fair and Softly
2014-04-15 Orca
2014-04-15 Trip to the Manors
2014-04-01 Mignonette
2014-04-01 Muriel's Measure
2014-04-01 Princess, The
2014-04-01 Salt of the Earth
2014-04-01 Well Done Jack
2014-04-01 Willy Nilly
2014-03-18 Early Frost, An
2014-03-18 Emma's Commencement
2014-03-18 Fenterlarick
2014-03-18 La Gavre
2014-03-18 Sadler's Wells
2013-12-10 Apley House
2013-12-10 Leather Lake House
2013-12-10 Mount Hills
2013-12-10 Old Friends
2013-12-10 Pursuit, The
2013-12-10 Rose of Sharon
2013-11-12 Collier's Daughter, The
2013-11-12 Dublin Bay
2013-11-12 Elverton Grove
2013-11-12 Kelsterne Gardens
2013-11-12 Mad Robin
2013-11-12 Turn of the Tide
2013-10-15 Autumn in Amherst
2013-10-15 Jack's Health
2013-10-15 Leslie's Valentine
2013-10-15 Salt of the Earth
2013-10-15 Terpsicourante
2013-10-15 Wibsey Roundabout
2013-09-24 Flixton House
2013-09-24 Homecoming, The
2013-09-24 Juice of Barley
2013-09-24 Mignonette
2013-09-24 Well Done Jack
2013-08-06 Comical Fellow, The
2013-08-06 Elizabeth
2013-08-06 Haymakers, The
2013-08-06 Trip to Tunbridge, A
2013-08-06 Willy Nilly
2013-07-02 Astoria Lass
2013-07-02 Flowers and Candy
2013-07-02 Henry's Hornpipe
2013-07-02 Red and All Red
2013-07-02 Sadler's Wells
2013-06-11 Cottonwood
2013-06-11 Fine Lady of Homewood, The
2013-06-11 Gigue for Genny
2013-06-11 Ram Meadow
2013-06-11 Touchstone, The
2013-06-11 Well Hall
2013-06-11 Wolverton Hall
2013-06-11 Young Widow, The
2013-04-30 Collier's Daughter, The
2013-04-30 Flixton House
2013-04-30 Good Man of Cambridge
2013-04-30 Jack's Maggot
2013-04-30 Josephine
2013-04-30 Leslie's Valentine
2013-04-30 New Beginning, A
2013-04-30 Salt of the Earth
2013-04-30 Six for the Six Proud Walkers
2013-04-30 Softly Good Tummas
2013-04-30 Volpony
2013-03-26 Benjamin's Birth Day
2013-03-26 Dublin Bay
2013-03-26 Princess, The
2013-03-26 Saint Catherine
2013-03-26 Sun Assembly
2013-03-26 Trip to the Manors
2013-03-12 Christchurch Bells
2013-03-12 Hit and Miss
2013-03-12 In the Bleak Midwinter
2013-03-12 Jack's Health
2013-03-12 Key to the Cellar
2013-03-12 Knives and Forks
2013-03-12 Mignonette
2013-01-29 Chelmsford Assembly
2013-01-29 Comical Fellow, The
2013-01-29 Cottonwood
2013-01-29 Hudson Barn
2013-01-29 Juice of Barley
2013-01-29 Marching to Praetorius
2013-01-15 Henry's Hornpipe
2013-01-15 Queen's Birthday, The
2013-01-15 Salt of the Earth
2013-01-15 Sunlight through Draperies
2013-01-15 Wibsey Roundabout
2013-01-15 Willy Nilly
2012-12-04 Familiar Quotations
2012-12-04 Flowers and Candy
2012-12-04 La Gavre
2012-12-04 Trip to Tunbridge, A
2012-10-16 Autumn in Amherst
2012-10-16 Neat, Mr. John
2012-10-16 Red and All Red
2012-10-16 Room for Ramblers
2012-10-16 Well Done Jack
2012-10-16 Well Hall
2012-10-02 Henry's Hornpipe
2012-10-02 Mount Hills
2012-10-02 Pursuit, The
2012-10-02 Ten for the Ten Commandments
2012-09-11 Early Frost, An
2012-09-11 Leslie's Valentine
2012-09-11 New Beginning, A
2012-09-11 Orange Nan
2012-09-11 Peace Be with You
2012-09-11 Saint Catherine
2012-06-27 Collier's Daughter, The
2012-06-27 Elizabeth
2012-06-27 Fair Quaker of Deal, The
2012-06-27 Neat, Mr. John
2012-06-27 Trip to Tunbridge, A
2012-06-12 Knives and Forks
2012-06-12 Mount Hills
2012-06-12 Princess, The
2012-06-12 Sunlight through Draperies
2012-06-12 Well Done Jack
2012-05-29 Elverton Grove
2012-05-29 Rose of Sharon
2012-05-29 Six for the Six Proud Walkers
2012-05-29 Trip to the Manors
2012-04-17 Jack's Health
2012-04-17 Marching to Praetorius
2012-04-17 Miss Sayer's Allemande
2012-04-17 Old Friends
2012-04-17 Volpony
2012-04-17 Willy Nilly
2012-03-27 Bonny Grey-Ey'd Morn
2012-03-27 Dick's Alternate Maggot
2012-03-27 Early Frost, An
2012-02-28 Dancing Wife, The
2012-02-28 Familiar Quotations
2012-02-28 In the Bleak Midwinter
2012-02-28 Sleeping in the Attic
2012-01-31 Astoria Lass
2012-01-31 Merry Conclusion, The
2012-01-31 Queen's Birthday, The
2012-01-03 La Gavre
2012-01-03 Morecambe Bay
2012-01-03 Waltham Abbey (Roodman)
2011-12-13 Comical Fellow, The
2011-12-13 Easter Morn
2011-12-06 Orange Nan
2011-12-06 Saint Catherine
2011-12-06 Sunlight through Draperies
2011-11-15 Mount Hills
2011-11-15 Muriel's Measure
2011-11-15 Red and All Red
2011-11-15 Well Done Jack
2011-11-15 Well Hall
2011-10-25 Dover Pier
2011-10-25 Early Frost, An
2011-10-25 Princess, The
2011-10-25 Sun Assembly
2011-10-25 Wibsey Roundabout
2011-09-13 Hey, Boys, Up Go We
2011-09-13 Mr. Isaac's Maggot
2011-09-13 New Beginning, A
2011-09-13 Rose of Sharon
2011-09-13 Volpony
2011-08-16 Bonny Grey-Ey'd Morn
2011-08-16 Childgrove
2011-08-16 Homecoming, The
2011-08-16 Mad Robin
2011-08-16 Rufty Tufty
2011-08-16 Waltham Abbey (Roodman)
2011-07-12 Companions
2011-07-12 Fair and Softly
2011-07-12 Fine Lady of Homewood, The
2011-07-12 Jumpers Chase
2011-07-12 Neat, Mr. John
2011-07-12 Willy Nilly
2011-06-28 Collier's Daughter, The
2011-06-28 Parson's Farewell
2011-06-28 Trip to Tunbridge, A
2011-05-03 Black Bess
2011-05-03 Dick's Alternate Maggot
2011-05-03 Hambleton's Round O
2011-05-03 Hit and Miss
2011-05-03 Turn of the Tide
2011-03-22 Benjamin's Birth Day
2011-03-22 Jacob Hall's Jig
2011-03-22 Margherita's Waltz
2011-03-22 Noisette
2011-03-22 Red and All Red
2011-03-01 La Gavre
2011-03-01 Orange Nan
2011-03-01 Pursuit, The
2011-03-01 Sun Assembly
2011-03-01 Terpsicourante
2011-03-01 Well Hall
2011-02-15 Collier's Daughter, The
2011-02-15 Early Frost, An
2011-02-15 Heading for Zero
2011-02-15 Leather Lake House
2011-02-15 Marching to Praetorius
2011-01-25 Comical Fellow, The
2011-01-25 Elverton Grove
2011-01-25 In the Bleak Midwinter
2011-01-25 Saint Catherine
2011-01-25 Wa Is Me, What Mun I Do!
2011-01-25 Well Done Jack
2010-12-07 Gigue for Genny
2010-12-07 Good Man of Cambridge
2010-12-07 New Beginning, A
2010-12-07 Peace Be with You
2010-12-07 Volpony
2010-11-02 Familiar Quotations
2010-11-02 Mount Hills
2010-11-02 Princess, The
2010-11-02 Trip to Tunbridge, A
2010-09-28 Elverton Grove
2010-09-28 Familiar Quotations
2010-09-28 Orange Nan
2010-09-28 Terpsicourante
2010-09-28 Willy Nilly
2010-08-10 Autumn in Amherst
2010-08-10 Dublin Bay
2010-08-10 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2010-08-10 Mignonette
2010-08-10 Mr. Isaac's Maggot
2010-08-10 Sun Assembly
2010-07-06 Cumberland Square Eight
2010-07-06 Fair Quaker of Deal, The
2010-07-06 Leslie's Valentine
2010-07-06 Queen's Birthday, The
2010-07-06 Volpony
2010-06-01 Autumn in Amherst
2010-06-01 Jacob Hall's Jig
2010-06-01 Marching to Praetorius
2010-06-01 Red and All Red
2010-06-01 Sunlight through Draperies
2010-06-01 Wibsey Roundabout
2010-05-18 Benjamin's Birth Day
2010-05-18 Mignonette
2010-05-18 Rose of Sharon
2010-05-11 Saint Catherine
2010-03-16 Childgrove
2010-03-16 Elverton Grove
2010-03-16 Hey, Boys, Up Go We
2010-03-16 Terpsicourante
2010-03-16 Wa Is Me, What Mun I Do!
2010-03-16 Well Done Jack
2010-02-23 Bonny Grey-Ey'd Morn
2010-02-23 Comical Fellow, The
2010-02-23 Fair and Softly
2010-02-23 Fine Lady of Homewood, The
2010-02-23 Greenwich Park (Playford)
2010-02-23 Jack's Maggot
2010-01-26 Dancing Wife, The
2010-01-26 Jack's Health
2010-01-26 Kitty at the Door
2010-01-26 Leslie's Valentine
2010-01-26 New Beginning, A
2010-01-26 Noisette
2010-01-26 Pursuit, The
2010-01-26 Queen's Birthday, The
2010-01-05 Orange Nan
2010-01-05 Princess, The
2010-01-05 Trip to Tunbridge, A
2010-01-05 Willy Nilly
2009-12-15 Flowers and Candy
2009-12-15 Heading for Zero
2009-12-15 Neat, Mr. John
2009-12-15 Volpony
2009-12-15 Well Hall
2009-12-15 Wooing Mairi
2009-11-17 High Ginks
2009-11-17 Marching to Praetorius
2009-11-17 Merry Conclusion, The
2009-11-17 Red and All Red
2009-11-17 Room for Ramblers
2009-11-17 Young Widow, The
2009-10-27 Benjamin's Birth Day
2009-10-27 Kelsterne Gardens
2009-10-27 Rose of Sharon
2009-10-27 Saint Catherine
2009-10-27 Trip to the Manors
2009-10-27 Well Done Jack
2009-10-13 Elizabeth
2009-09-29 Autumn in Amherst
2009-09-29 Dick's Alternate Maggot
2009-09-29 Hambleton's Round O
2009-09-29 La Gavre
2009-09-29 Sun Assembly
2009-09-01 Hit and Miss
2009-09-01 Knives and Forks
2009-09-01 Miss Sayer's Allemande
2009-09-01 Old Friends
2009-09-01 Up with Aily (Sharp)
2009-08-18 Dublin Bay
2009-08-18 Hare's Maggot, The
2009-08-18 Jack's Health
2009-08-18 New Beginning, A
2009-08-18 Willy Nilly
2009-07-21 Huntington's Maggot
2009-07-21 Leslie's Valentine
2009-07-21 Queen's Birthday, The
2009-06-23 Early Frost, An
2009-06-23 Orange Nan
2009-06-23 Portabella
2009-06-23 Saint Catherine
2009-06-23 Terpsicourante
2009-04-07 Bishop, The
2009-04-07 Comical Fellow, The
2009-04-07 Flowers and Candy
2009-04-07 Mignonette
2009-04-07 Wood Lark
2009-03-24 Dick's Alternate Maggot
2009-03-24 La Gavre
2009-03-24 Parson's Farewell
2009-03-24 Princess, The
2009-03-24 Pursuit, The
2009-03-24 Volpony
2009-02-24 Collier's Daughter, The
2009-02-24 Hey, Boys, Up Go We
2009-02-24 Kitty at the Door
2009-02-24 Waltham Abbey (Roodman)
2009-02-24 Well Done Jack
2009-01-27 Dover Pier
2009-01-27 Juice of Barley
2009-01-27 Knives and Forks
2009-01-27 Mount Hills
2009-01-13 Fair Quaker of Deal, The
2009-01-13 Willy Nilly
2009-01-06 Childgrove
2009-01-06 Dublin Bay
2009-01-06 Greenwich Park (Playford)
2009-01-06 New Beginning, A
2009-01-06 Room for Ramblers
2009-01-06 Saint Catherine
2008-11-25 Heading for Zero
2008-11-25 Queen's Birthday, The
2008-11-25 Wolverton Hall
2008-11-25 Young Widow, The
2008-10-21 Fandango, The
2008-10-21 Flowers and Candy
2008-10-21 Hit and Miss
2008-10-21 Orange Nan
2008-10-21 Princess, The
2008-10-07 Black Bess
2008-10-07 Noisette
2008-10-07 Sunlight through Draperies
2008-10-07 Waltham Abbey (Roodman)
2008-10-07 Well Done Jack
2008-09-16 Jenny Pluck Pears
2008-09-16 Rose of Sharon
2008-09-16 Terpsicourante
2008-08-12 Gathering Peascods
2008-08-12 Mr. Isaac's Maggot
2008-08-12 Neat, Mr. John
2008-08-12 Saint Catherine
2008-08-12 Trip to Tunbridge, A
2008-07-22 Apley House
2008-07-22 Turn of the Tide
2008-07-01 Bishop, The
2008-07-01 Jacob Hall's Jig
2008-07-01 Kelsterne Gardens
2008-06-24 Autumn in Amherst
2008-06-24 Early Frost, An
2008-06-24 Hey, Boys, Up Go We
2008-06-24 Jack's Health
2008-06-24 La Gavre
2008-06-24 Orange Nan
2008-06-24 When Laura Smiles
2008-05-27 Black Bess
2008-05-27 Lilli Burlero
2008-05-27 Mad Robin
2008-05-27 Muriel's Measure
2008-05-27 Pursuit, The
2008-05-27 Touchstone, The
2008-04-22 High Ginks
2008-04-22 Key to the Cellar
2008-04-22 Marching to Praetorius
2008-04-22 Princess, The
2008-04-22 Well Hall
2008-03-18 Celebration of Spring
2008-03-18 Collier's Daughter, The
2008-03-18 Dublin Bay
2008-03-18 Easter Morn
2008-03-18 Irish Lamentation
2008-03-18 New Beginning, A
2008-03-18 Sellenger's Round
2008-02-26 Elverton Grove
2008-02-26 Noisette
2008-02-26 Terpsicourante
2008-02-26 Well Hall
2008-02-05 Dancing Wife, The
2008-02-05 Fandango, The
2008-02-05 Jack's Health
2008-02-05 Mount Hills
2008-02-05 Old Friends
2008-01-22 Comical Fellow, The
2008-01-22 Gigue for Genny
2008-01-22 Mignonette
2008-01-22 Money Musk
2008-01-22 Room for Ramblers
2008-01-22 Saint Catherine
2007-12-11 Heading for Zero
2007-12-11 Hey, Boys, Up Go We
2007-12-11 Queen's Birthday, The
2007-12-11 Sunlight through Draperies
2007-12-04 Bonny Grey-Ey'd Morn
2007-12-04 Trip to Tunbridge, A
2007-11-27 Belle of Amherst, The
2007-11-27 Flowers and Candy
2007-11-27 Margherita's Waltz
2007-11-27 Orange Nan
2007-11-27 Turn of the Tide
2007-11-13 Early Frost, An
2007-11-13 Miss Sayer's Allemande
2007-10-16 Irish Lamentation
2007-10-16 Mount Hills
2007-10-16 Princess, The
2007-10-16 Trip to the Manors
2007-10-16 Wolverton Hall
2007-09-18 Elverton Grove
2007-09-18 Marching to Praetorius
2007-09-18 Muriel's Measure
2007-09-18 Orange Nan
2007-09-18 Waltham Abbey (Roodman)
2007-08-14 Collier's Daughter, The
2007-08-14 Dover Pier
2007-08-14 Jack's Health
2007-08-14 Terpsicourante
2007-07-17 Greenwich Park (Playford)
2007-07-17 La Gavre
2007-07-17 Mistwold
2007-07-17 Mount Hills
2007-06-26 Bonny Grey-Ey'd Morn
2007-06-26 Dancing Wife, The
2007-06-26 Elverton Grove
2007-06-26 Juice of Barley
2007-06-26 Queen's Birthday, The
2007-06-26 Sion House
2007-05-29 Celebration of Spring
2007-05-29 Fair Quaker of Deal, The
2007-05-29 Fair and Softly
2007-05-29 Jack's Maggot
2007-05-29 Scotch Cap
2007-05-15 Bishop, The
2007-05-15 Childgrove
2007-05-15 Knives and Forks
2007-05-15 Mount Hills
2007-05-15 Old Friends
2007-05-15 Sun Assembly
2007-05-01 Mistwold
2007-04-24 Dublin Bay
2007-04-24 Neat, Mr. John
2007-04-24 Princess, The
2007-04-24 Sunlight through Draperies
2007-04-24 Wolverton Hall
2007-03-06 Room for Ramblers
2007-03-06 Rose of Sharon
2007-03-06 Trip to Tunbridge, A
2007-03-06 Waltham Abbey (Roodman)
2007-01-30 Collier's Daughter, The
2007-01-30 Lilli Burlero
2007-01-30 Sion House
2007-01-30 Wibsey Roundabout
2007-01-30 Wooing Mairi
2006-12-05 Bonny Grey-Ey'd Morn
2006-12-05 Dick's Maggot
2006-12-05 Flowers and Candy
2006-12-05 Princess, The
2006-12-05 Trip to the Manors
2006-11-28 Black Bess
2006-11-28 Fenterlarick
2006-11-28 Gigue for Genny
2006-11-28 Jenny Pluck Pears
2006-11-28 Sunlight through Draperies
2006-11-14 Dover Pier
2006-11-14 Sun Assembly
2006-10-31 Broom, the Bonny, Bonny Broom
2006-10-31 Dick's Maggot
2006-10-31 Grimstock
2006-10-31 Key to the Cellar
2006-10-31 Waltham Abbey (Roodman)
2006-10-31 Witches, The
2006-10-03 Irish Lamentation
2006-10-03 Jack's Health
2006-10-03 Knives and Forks
2006-10-03 Merry Conclusion, The
2006-10-03 Miss Sayer's Allemande
2006-10-03 Peace Be with You
2006-09-19 Hudson Barn
2006-09-19 Mr. Isaac's Maggot
2006-09-19 Pursuit, The
2006-08-22 Collier's Daughter, The
2006-08-22 Mount Hills
2006-08-22 Muriel's Measure
2006-08-22 Touchstone, The
2006-08-08 Flowers and Candy
2006-08-08 Sunlight through Draperies
2006-06-27 Apley House
2006-06-27 Bonny Grey-Ey'd Morn
2006-06-27 Fandango, The
2006-06-27 Sion House
2006-05-30 Jack's Maggot
2006-05-30 Jenny Pluck Pears
2006-05-30 Knives and Forks
2006-05-30 Newcastle
2006-05-30 Peace Be with You
2006-05-02 Gathering Peascods
2006-05-02 Indian Queen
2006-05-02 Juice of Barley
2006-05-02 Mistwold
2006-05-02 Well Hall
2006-04-18 La Gavre
2006-04-18 Terpsicourante
2006-03-14 Childgrove
2006-03-14 Dancing Wife, The
2006-03-14 Fair and Softly
2006-03-14 Flowers and Candy
2006-03-14 Neat, Mr. John
2006-03-14 Wibsey Roundabout
2006-02-28 Hudson Barn
2006-02-28 Mad Robin
2006-02-28 Pursuit, The
2006-02-28 Wooing Mairi
2006-02-07 Touchstone, The
2006-01-24 Apley House
2006-01-24 Green Sleeves and Yellow Lace
2006-01-24 Peace Be with You
2006-01-24 Trip to the Manors
2006-01-03 Mount Hills
2006-01-03 Sunlight through Draperies
2006-01-03 Wolverton Hall
2005-12-06 Margaret's Waltz
2005-12-06 Miss Sayer's Allemande
2005-12-06 Mistwold
2005-12-06 Sion House
2005-12-06 Sun Assembly
2005-11-08 Comical Fellow, The
2005-11-08 Dancing Wife, The
2005-11-08 Early Frost, An
2005-11-08 Wood Lark
2005-11-01 Juice of Barley
2005-10-25 Bonny Grey-Ey'd Morn
2005-10-25 Gigue for Genny
2005-10-25 High Ginks
2005-10-25 Irish Lamentation
2005-10-25 Jacob Hall's Jig
2005-06-21 Christchurch Bells
2005-06-21 Juice of Barley
2005-06-21 Zephyrs and Flora
2005-06-07 Apley House
2005-06-07 Mistwold
2005-06-07 Sion House
2005-06-07 Terpsicourante
2005-05-31 La Gavre
2005-05-31 Wooing Mairi
2005-05-31 Young Widow, The
2005-05-17 Bar a Bar
2005-05-17 Black Bess
2005-05-17 Nonesuch
2005-05-17 Wibsey Roundabout
2005-05-17 Wood Lark
2005-05-17 Young Widow, The
2005-05-03 Bonny Grey-Ey'd Morn
2005-05-03 Green Sleeves and Yellow Lace
2005-05-03 Parson's Farewell
2005-05-03 Pursuit, The
2005-05-03 Touchstone, The
2005-05-03 Young Widow, The
2005-04-26 Auretti's Dutch Skipper
2005-04-26 Muriel's Measure
2005-04-26 Princess, The
2005-03-29 Celebration of Spring
2005-03-29 Gathering Peascods
2005-02-22 Childgrove
2005-02-22 Jacob Hall's Jig
2005-02-22 Pursuit, The
2005-02-22 Trip to the Manors
2005-02-01 La Gavre
2005-02-01 Mortsel Circle, The
2005-02-01 Nottingham Swing
2005-02-01 Shrewsbury Lasses, The
2005-01-04 Irish Lamentation
2005-01-04 Sion House
2005-01-04 Wood Lark
2004-12-07 Gigue for Genny
2004-12-07 Portsmouth
2004-12-07 Trip to Paris, A
2004-11-30 Collier's Daughter, The
2004-11-30 Wibsey Roundabout
2004-11-02 Apley House
2004-11-02 Childgrove
2004-11-02 Room for Ramblers
2004-11-02 Touchstone, The
2004-10-19 Early Frost, An
2004-10-19 Mistwold
2004-10-19 Sion House
2004-10-19 Wooing Mairi
2004-09-21 Juice of Barley
2004-09-21 Kelsterne Gardens
2004-09-21 Pursuit, The
2004-09-21 Room for Ramblers
2004-09-21 Terpsicourante