Caller History

Caller: Robert Messer

Date Dance
2025-01-14 Bluebonnets
2025-01-14 Boxing Day
2025-01-14 Bucket of Beets
2025-01-14 Dance of a Lifetime
2025-01-14 Pugilist, The
2025-01-01 Belle of Greensboro
2025-01-01 January Girl
2025-01-01 Oliver's Maggot
2025-01-01 Orleans Baffled
2024-12-31 Dancing with Ghosts
2024-12-31 Hit the Hey
2024-12-31 Top of the Deck, The
2024-11-26 Emma's Commencement
2024-11-26 Hit the Hey
2024-11-26 Indian Princess, The
2024-11-26 Sapphire Sea
2024-11-26 Vermont Friends
2024-11-05 Archer, The
2024-11-05 Moonflower
2024-11-05 Waltham Abbey (Roodman)
2024-10-22 Elizabeth
2024-10-22 Good Man of Cambridge
2024-10-22 Mad Robin
2024-10-22 Professor Kekulé's Reverie
2024-10-22 Softly Good Tummas
2024-10-08 Belle of Greensboro
2024-10-08 Butterfly, The
2024-10-08 Cottonwood
2024-10-08 Lovely Nancy
2024-10-08 Mistwold
2024-10-08 Mrs. Maxwell
2024-08-27 Corelli's Maggot
2024-08-27 Fourpence Ha'penny Farthing
2024-08-27 Happily Emma After
2024-08-27 Long Odds, The
2024-08-06 Lambs on Green Hill
2024-08-06 Oswestry New Bells
2024-08-06 Saint John's Meeting House
2024-08-06 Shrewsbury Lasses, The
2024-07-16 Braes of Dornoch
2024-07-16 Cookow, The
2024-07-16 Newfound Home
2024-07-16 Sweet Potato Pie
2024-07-16 Up with Aily (Sharp)
2024-07-16 Well Done Jack
2024-07-02 Come Let's Be Merry
2024-07-02 Dressed Ship, The
2024-07-02 Promise of Spring
2024-06-09 Sun Assembly
2024-06-09 Treasure of the Big Woods
2024-06-04 Beach Spring
2024-06-04 Pursuit, The
2024-06-04 Ties of Love
2024-04-23 First of October, The
2024-04-23 Impropriety
2024-04-23 Off She Goes
2024-04-23 Phoenix Rejuvenated, The
2024-04-23 Tythe Pig
2024-04-12 Hoffedd Miss Hughes
2024-04-12 Wakefield Hunt
2024-04-09 Anniversary Dance
2024-04-09 Archer, The
2024-04-09 Smithy Hill
2024-04-02 Anna Turns Five
2024-04-02 Belle of Greensboro
2024-04-02 Chocolate Equation, The
2024-04-02 Ebb and Flow
2024-04-02 Eclipse
2024-04-02 Fair Quaker of Deal, The
2024-04-02 Marching to Praetorius
2024-02-27 Henry's Other Hornpipe
2024-02-27 Leather Lake Cottage
2024-02-27 Rose
2024-02-27 Winter Aconite
2024-02-11 Island of Love, The
2024-02-11 Vallentine's Maggot
2024-02-11 Whiskey before Dinner
2024-01-16 Heading for Zero
2024-01-16 Portsmouth
2024-01-14 Island of Love, The
2024-01-14 Valley Road, The
2024-01-02 Anniversary Dance
2024-01-02 Boxing Day
2024-01-02 Heartfelt
2024-01-02 January Girl
2024-01-02 Ram Meadow
2024-01-02 Sion House
2023-12-12 Indian Summer
2023-12-12 Mrs. Maxwell
2023-12-12 Rackham Up
2023-12-12 Trip to Woodstock
2023-12-12 Way of the World, The
2023-11-14 Bel Canto
2023-11-14 Fire Dahlias
2023-11-14 Jack's Sparrow
2023-11-14 Sweet Potato Pie
2023-11-14 Trip to Erskine
2023-11-14 Up with Aily (Sharp)
2023-11-14 Waggoner, The
2023-10-13 Laughing Vicar, The
2023-10-13 Master Barton's Arrival
2023-10-13 Summer Circle
2023-10-13 Young Phillis of Wakefield
2023-09-26 Braes of Dornoch
2023-09-26 Bucket of Beets
2023-09-26 Cobbler's Hornpipe
2023-09-26 Double Duet, A
2023-09-26 Elizabeth
2023-09-26 I Care Not for These Ladies
2023-09-08 Fair and Softly
2023-09-08 Young Phillis of Wakefield
2023-08-29 Astonished Archaeologist, The
2023-08-29 Bishop of Chester's Jigg
2023-08-29 Come with Voices Singing
2023-08-29 Gooseberry Blossoms
2023-08-29 Juice of Barley
2023-08-29 Lambs on Green Hill
2023-08-15 Belle of Greensboro
2023-08-15 Fourpence Ha'penny Farthing
2023-08-15 Heidenröslein
2023-08-15 High Ginks
2023-08-15 Long Odds, The
2023-08-15 Puck's Deceit
2023-07-11 Dancing Wife, The
2023-07-11 Joy to the Person of My Love
2023-07-11 Knives and Forks
2023-07-11 News from Tripoly
2023-07-11 Peace Be with You
2023-07-11 Turning of the World, The
2023-06-20 Anniversary Dance
2023-06-20 Archer, The
2023-06-20 Beach Spring
2023-06-20 Corelli's Maggot
2023-06-20 Greenwich Park (Playford)
2023-06-20 Marching to Praetorius
2023-06-11 Dublin Bay
2023-06-11 Good Man of Cambridge
2023-06-11 Mary K
2023-05-16 Fair Quaker of Deal, The
2023-05-16 Flixton House
2023-05-16 Fuerst Maggot, The
2023-05-16 Jack's Health
2023-05-16 Off She Goes
2023-05-16 Waterfall Waltz
2023-05-02 Anna Turns Five
2023-05-02 Fiddler's Feat
2023-05-02 Happily Emma After
2023-05-02 Lovely Nancy
2023-05-02 Mulberry Garden, The
2023-05-02 Restoration of King Charles, The
2023-05-02 Trip to Richmond
2023-04-18 Dick's Alternate Maggot
2023-04-18 Double Visit
2023-04-18 Love, Port and Sherry
2023-04-18 Taxing Time
2023-04-18 Waltham Abbey (Roodman)
2023-04-14 Countryman's Hat, The
2023-04-14 O, Susato
2023-04-14 Set for Spring
2023-03-14 Bar a Bar
2023-03-14 Health to All Honest Men, A
2023-03-14 Impropriety
2023-03-14 In the Fields in Frost and Snow
2023-03-14 Marching to Praetorius
2023-03-14 Muriel's Measure
2023-03-14 Once a Night
2023-03-14 Pye Corner
2023-03-14 Room for Ramblers
2023-03-07 Dick's Alternate Maggot
2023-03-07 Farewell to the Shore
2023-03-07 Good Man of Cambridge
2023-03-07 Haymakers, The
2023-03-07 Sapphire Sea
2023-02-07 Archer, The
2023-02-07 Buttered Peas
2023-02-07 Drummer, The
2023-02-07 Leslie's Valentine
2023-02-07 Millison's Jig
2023-02-07 Valentine's Day
2023-01-24 Cold Comfort
2023-01-24 Dressed Ship, The
2023-01-24 Indian Princess, The
2023-01-24 January Girl
2023-01-24 Pluck Me a Fig
2023-01-24 Portsmouth
2022-11-29 Ani's Waltz
2022-11-29 Helene's Gavotte
2022-11-29 Pine Cones
2022-11-29 Simone's Semicentury
2022-11-29 Trip to Woodstock
2022-11-29 Waltham Abbey (Roodman)
2022-11-15 Bemused Benthologist, The
2022-11-15 Benjamin's Birth Day
2022-11-15 Braes of Dornoch
2022-11-15 Double Duet, A
2022-11-15 Eastbourne Rover, The
2022-11-15 Fair Quaker of Deal, The
2022-11-15 Fourpence Ha'penny Farthing
2022-10-18 Dance of a Lifetime
2022-10-18 Fuerst Maggot, The
2022-10-18 Happily Emma After
2022-10-18 Honeysuckle Cottage
2022-10-18 Mr. Isaac's Maggot
2022-10-18 Old Noll's Jig
2022-10-18 Professor Kekulé's Reverie
2022-10-18 Red and All Red
2022-10-18 Sapphire Sea
2022-10-18 Zephyrs and Flora
2022-10-14 Seventeen Rolls of Peppermint
2022-10-14 Song to the Moon
2022-10-14 Sweet Potato Pie
2022-10-14 Whiskey before Dinner
2022-09-27 Bucket of Beets
2022-09-27 Come Let's Be Merry
2022-09-27 Dancing in the Springtime
2022-09-27 Off She Goes
2022-09-27 Tythe Pig
2022-09-27 Whiskey before Dinner
2022-09-09 Bel Canto
2022-09-09 Potter's Wheel, The
2022-09-09 Revelations
2022-08-16 Ashford Anniversary, The
2022-08-16 Daybreak
2022-08-16 Good Man of Cambridge
2022-08-16 High Ginks
2022-08-16 Holborn March
2022-08-16 Kneeland Romp
2022-08-16 Lambs on Green Hill
2022-08-16 Lovely Nancy
2022-08-16 Vermont Friends
2022-08-16 Wakefield Hunt
2022-07-19 Cockle Shells
2022-07-19 Once a Night
2022-07-19 Ram Meadow
2022-07-19 Softly Good Tummas
2022-07-19 Up with Aily (Sharp)
2022-06-12 Elizabeth
2022-06-12 Sapphire Sea
2022-06-12 Wa Is Me, What Mun I Do!
2022-06-12 Whiskey before Dinner
2022-05-10 Emma's Commencement
2022-05-10 Handel with Care
2022-05-10 Leaving of Liverpool, The
2022-05-10 Well Hall
2022-04-26 Bonny Cuckoo, The
2022-04-26 Corelli's Maggot
2022-04-26 Mr. Isaac's Maggot
2022-04-26 Portsmouth
2022-04-26 Smithy Hill
2020-02-25 Happily Emma After
2020-02-25 Heidenröslein
2020-02-25 Spring, The
2020-02-25 Sweet Potato Pie
2020-02-25 Up with Aily (Sharp)
2020-02-25 Volpony
2020-02-25 Wakefield Hunt
2020-02-14 Duchess of York Street, The
2020-02-14 Island of Love, The
2020-02-14 Love Lies A-bleeding
2020-02-14 Zither Beaus, The
2019-11-05 Fireflies
2019-11-05 Indian Summer
2019-11-05 Lambs on Green Hill
2019-11-05 Long Odds, The
2019-11-05 Old Wife behind the Fire
2019-10-08 And Good Day to You, Too!
2019-10-08 Bar a Bar
2019-10-08 Benjamin's Birth Day
2019-10-08 Edinburgh Castle
2019-10-08 General Grooviness of the Universe
2019-09-24 Albion's Queen
2019-09-24 High Ginks
2019-09-24 Jack I'll Tickle Thee
2019-09-24 Marching to Praetorius
2019-09-24 Night Watch
2019-09-13 Country Farmer
2019-09-13 Moveable Feast, A
2019-09-13 Pine in the Path
2019-09-13 Revelations
2019-07-02 America
2019-07-02 Bucket of Beets
2019-07-02 Fair Quaker of Deal, The
2019-07-02 Ivy and a Rose
2019-07-02 Queen's Birthday, The
2019-07-02 Windsor Wenches
2019-06-25 Emperor of the Moon
2019-06-25 Leaving of Liverpool, The
2019-06-25 Ram Meadow
2019-06-25 Shrewsbury Lasses, The
2019-06-25 Sion House
2019-06-25 Trip to Bath, A
2019-06-11 Chestnut
2019-06-11 Downhill Race
2019-06-11 Play's the Thing, The
2019-06-11 Turning of the World, The
2019-06-11 Tythe Pig
2019-06-09 Ashford Anniversary, The
2019-05-14 Cookow, The
2019-05-14 Dance of a Lifetime
2019-05-14 Fiddler's Feat
2019-05-14 Sharon of the Green
2019-05-14 Sweet Richard
2019-04-12 Countryman's Hat, The
2019-04-12 Dick's Fortune
2019-04-12 Hazelfern Place
2019-04-12 Zither Man, The
2019-04-09 Clopton Bridge
2019-04-09 Lovely Nancy
2019-04-09 Orange Nan
2019-04-09 Pine in the Path
2019-04-09 Zither Man, The
2019-03-19 Dick's Alternate Maggot
2019-03-19 Gentleman's Delight
2019-03-19 I Prefer Pi
2019-03-19 Pye Corner
2019-03-19 Sweet Potato Pie
2019-02-19 Anna Maria
2019-02-19 Doctor Vincent's Delight
2019-02-19 Elizabeth
2019-02-19 Old Wife behind the Fire
2019-02-19 Salt of the Earth
2019-02-08 Echoes
2019-02-08 Errol on the Green
2019-02-08 Mary K
2019-02-08 Michael and All Angels
2019-01-22 Come Let's Be Merry
2019-01-22 Impropriety
2019-01-22 Marching to Praetorius
2019-01-22 Off She Goes
2019-01-22 Softly Good Tummas
2019-01-08 Dave's Waltz
2019-01-08 In the Fields in Frost and Snow
2019-01-08 Professor Kekulé's Reverie
2019-01-08 Wakefield Hunt
2018-12-04 Chocolate Round O, The
2018-12-04 Evans's Delight
2018-12-04 Rostillion
2018-12-04 Simone's Semicentury
2018-12-04 Well Done Jack
2018-10-30 Cat in the Window
2018-10-30 Moonflower
2018-10-30 Old Noll's Jig
2018-10-30 Orleans Baffled
2018-10-30 Phoenix Rejuvenated, The
2018-10-09 Banish Misfortune
2018-10-09 Double Duet, A
2018-10-09 Drapers Gardens
2018-10-09 Emma's Commencement
2018-10-09 Health to All Honest Men, A
2018-10-09 Rakes of Rochester, The
2018-09-25 Corelli's Maggot
2018-09-18 Cookow, The
2018-09-18 Dancing in the Springtime
2018-09-18 High Ginks
2018-09-18 Mad Robin
2018-09-18 Portsmouth
2018-09-14 Echoes
2018-09-14 Leap of Faith, The
2018-09-14 Scales of Justice
2018-08-21 Colin's Tambourine
2018-08-21 Lilli Burlero
2018-08-21 Lovely Nancy
2018-08-21 Queen's Jig, The
2018-08-21 Sapphire Sea
2018-06-19 Archer, The
2018-06-19 First of April, The
2018-06-19 Johnny Cock Thy Beaver
2018-06-19 Lambs on Green Hill
2018-06-19 Orleans Baffled
2018-06-19 Spanish Jigg
2018-06-10 Interruptions
2018-06-10 Mary K
2018-06-10 Vivaldi in Paradise
2018-06-05 Halfe Hannikin
2018-06-05 High Ginks
2018-06-05 John the Madman
2018-06-05 Mad Moll
2018-06-05 Mad Robin
2018-06-05 Prince William
2018-05-29 Dear Abby
2018-05-29 Elephants Stairs
2018-05-29 Night Watch
2018-05-29 Queen's Birthday, The
2018-05-29 Shrewsbury Lasses, The
2018-05-08 Filigree
2018-05-08 Heartsease
2018-05-08 Shandy Hall
2018-05-08 Trip to Erskine
2018-05-08 Waltham Abbey (Roodman)
2018-05-08 Well Hall
2018-04-13 Birthday Branle
2018-04-13 Dunsmuir Waltz, The
2018-04-13 Errol on the Green
2018-03-20 Catch If You Can
2018-03-20 Dressed Ship, The
2018-03-20 Flighty Nymph, The
2018-03-20 Haymakers, The
2018-03-20 Tambourine Dance
2018-03-20 Wakefield Hunt
2018-02-13 Ashford Anniversary, The
2018-02-13 Bonny Cuckoo, The
2018-02-13 Bucket of Beets
2018-02-13 Daybreak
2018-02-13 Up with Aily (Sharp)
2018-02-13 Valentine's Day
2018-01-16 Ashford Anniversary, The
2018-01-16 Benjamin's Birth Day
2018-01-16 Fair Quaker of Deal, The
2018-01-16 In the Presence of Monarchs
2018-01-16 Wakefield Hunt
2017-11-28 Bar a Bar
2017-11-28 Heswall and West Kirby Jubilee
2017-11-28 Rebecka Ridinghoode
2017-11-28 Simone's Semicentury
2017-11-07 Cookow, The
2017-11-07 Handel with Care
2017-11-07 High Ginks
2017-11-07 Pentonville
2017-11-07 Queen's Birthday, The
2017-11-07 Swift and Quickly
2017-10-24 Anna's Arrival
2017-10-24 Christina
2017-10-24 Gleaners
2017-10-24 Look Both Ways
2017-10-24 Old Noll's Jig
2017-10-24 Sweet Rosie Red
2017-10-13 Amazed Geneticist, The
2017-10-13 Errol on the Green
2017-10-13 Halsway Sicilian
2017-10-13 Long Live London
2017-10-13 Monica's Delight
2017-10-13 Slof Galliard, The
2017-09-19 Greenwich Park (Playford)
2017-09-19 I Care Not for These Ladies
2017-09-19 Impropriety
2017-09-19 Orange Nan
2017-09-19 Tythe Pig
2017-09-19 Vivaldi in Paradise
2017-09-08 Heptathlon Jig
2017-09-08 Kelsterne Gardens Double Delux
2017-09-08 Sophia
2017-08-15 Anna Turns Five
2017-08-15 Belle of Greensboro
2017-08-15 Margate Hoy, The
2017-08-15 Orleans Baffled
2017-08-15 Up with Aily (Sharp)
2017-08-15 Wakefield Hunt
2017-08-01 Freeford Gardens
2017-08-01 Happily Emma After
2017-08-01 Juniata
2017-08-01 Picking Up Sticks
2017-08-01 Short and the Tall, The
2017-06-06 Cheshire Rounds
2017-06-06 Christina
2017-06-06 Holborn March
2017-06-06 Margaret's Waltz
2017-06-06 Merrilly We Dance and Sing
2017-06-06 Millison's Jig
2017-05-23 Benjamin's Birth Day
2017-05-23 Dancing Dutch, The
2017-05-23 Lovely Nancy
2017-05-23 Lover's Knot, The
2017-05-23 Skipping Det
2017-05-23 Wibsey Roundabout
2017-04-25 Bonny Cuckoo, The
2017-04-25 Jacob Hall's Jig
2017-04-25 Levi Jackson Rag
2017-04-25 Merry Pair, The
2017-04-25 Portsmouth
2017-03-21 Come Let's Be Merry
2017-03-21 Corelli's Maggot
2017-03-21 High Ginks
2017-03-21 Leaving of Liverpool, The
2017-03-21 Newcastle
2017-02-14 Bucket of Beets
2017-02-14 Chocolate Equation, The
2017-02-14 Leslie's Valentine
2017-02-14 Merry Pair, The
2017-02-14 Professor Kekulé's Reverie
2017-02-14 Valentine's Day
2017-01-17 Fair Quaker of Deal, The
2017-01-17 Fourpence Ha'penny Farthing
2017-01-17 Halsway Sicilian
2017-01-17 Lovely Nancy
2016-11-29 Come, Sweet Lass
2016-11-29 Henry's Other Hornpipe
2016-11-29 Marching to Praetorius
2016-11-29 Off She Goes
2016-11-29 Puck's Deceit
2016-11-22 Ani's Waltz
2016-11-22 Astoria Lass
2016-11-22 Barbarini's Tambourine
2016-11-22 Bemused Benthologist, The
2016-11-22 Shrewsbury Lasses, The
2016-10-18 Lambs on Green Hill
2016-10-18 Lovers of Canterbury, The
2016-10-18 Wibsey Roundabout
2016-10-18 Zephyrs and Flora
2016-09-27 Albion's Queen
2016-09-27 Fine Lady of Homewood, The
2016-09-27 Rebecka Ridinghoode
2016-09-27 Softly Good Tummas
2016-09-27 Up with Aily (Sharp)
2016-08-02 Bridge of Athlone
2016-08-02 Chimes of Dunkirk, The
2016-08-02 Christchurch Bells
2016-08-02 Dancing across the Atlantic
2016-08-02 Heartsease
2016-08-02 Prince William
2016-08-02 Siege of Ennis
2016-08-02 Sion House
2016-08-02 Turn of the Tide
2016-06-21 Bar a Bar
2016-06-21 Dunant House Waltz
2016-06-21 Elizabeth
2016-06-21 Foxhunter's Jig
2016-06-21 Spring, The
2016-05-24 Joy to the Person of My Love
2016-05-24 Leaving of Liverpool, The
2016-05-24 Merry Hop, The
2016-05-24 Pugilist, The
2016-05-24 Pye Corner
2016-03-08 Bucket of Beets
2016-03-08 Daybreak
2016-03-08 Trip to the Manors
2016-03-08 Wa Is Me, What Mun I Do!
2016-03-08 Wakefield Hunt
2016-02-09 Benjamin's Birth Day
2016-02-09 Christchurch Bells
2016-02-09 Duke of Kent's Waltz, I, The
2016-02-09 Portsmouth
2016-02-09 Queen's Jig, The
2016-01-19 Impropriety
2016-01-19 Lovely Nancy
2016-01-19 Mistwold
2016-01-19 Prince William
2016-01-19 Trip to Amsterdam, A
2016-01-05 General Grooviness of the Universe
2016-01-05 Kneeland Romp
2016-01-05 Mad Robin
2016-01-05 Midwinter Maggot
2016-01-05 Pleasure Vest, The
2016-01-05 Sally in Our Alley
2015-11-10 Happily Emma After
2015-11-10 High Ginks
2015-11-10 Jack's Maggot
2015-11-10 Mad Moll
2015-11-10 Stride Stately
2015-09-22 Dancing across the Atlantic
2015-09-22 First of October, The
2015-09-22 Indian Summer
2015-09-22 Jack by the Hedge
2015-09-22 Prince William
2015-08-11 Come Let's Be Merry
2015-08-11 Cookow, The
2015-08-11 Portsmouth
2015-08-11 Pye Corner
2015-08-11 Ram Meadow
2015-07-28 Monica's Delight
2015-07-28 Mr. Cosgill's Delight
2015-07-28 Prince William
2015-07-28 Queen's Jig, The
2015-07-28 Set for Spring
2015-06-16 Bonnets So Blue
2015-06-16 Leaving of Liverpool, The
2015-06-16 Lovely Nancy
2015-06-16 Margaret's Waltz
2015-06-16 Orange Nan
2015-03-17 Autumn in Amherst
2015-03-17 Double Duet, A
2015-03-17 Jacob Hall's Jig
2015-03-17 Long Live London
2015-03-17 Spanish Jigg
2015-03-03 Fuerst Maggot, The
2015-03-03 Heading for Zero
2015-03-03 Henry's Other Hornpipe
2015-03-03 John the Madman
2015-03-03 Sharon of the Green
2015-02-03 Benjamin's Birth Day
2015-02-03 Long Odds, The
2015-02-03 Lord Phoppington, The
2015-02-03 Mistwold
2015-02-03 Softly Good Tummas
2015-02-03 Waterfall Waltz
2015-01-13 Impropriety
2015-01-13 Lambs on Green Hill
2015-01-13 Rose of Sharon
2015-01-13 Shandy Hall
2015-01-13 Simone's Semicentury
2015-01-13 Up with Aily (Sharp)
2014-12-02 Health to All Honest Men, A
2014-12-02 High Ginks
2014-12-02 Queen's Birthday, The
2014-12-02 Turning by Threes
2014-12-02 Waltham Abbey (Roodman)
2014-10-28 Bishop, The
2014-10-28 Hit and Miss
2014-10-28 Katherine Street
2014-10-28 Look Both Ways
2014-10-28 Off She Goes
2014-10-28 Portsmouth
2014-09-23 Bonnets So Blue
2014-09-23 Mr. Handel's Gigue
2014-09-23 Mr. Isaac's Maggot
2014-09-23 Trip to Bury, A
2014-07-08 Britains, The
2014-07-08 Come Let's Be Merry
2014-07-08 Devil's Maggot
2014-07-08 Impropriety
2014-07-08 Jamaica
2014-07-08 Leather Lake Cottage
2014-06-03 Come with Voices Singing
2014-06-03 High Ginks
2014-06-03 MC²
2014-06-03 X Ackley
2014-05-13 Ani's Waltz
2014-05-13 Comical Fellow, The
2014-05-13 Juice of Barley
2014-05-13 Portsmouth
2014-05-13 Simone's Semicentury
2014-04-22 Childgrove
2014-04-22 Comical Fellow, The
2014-04-22 Cookow, The
2014-04-22 Oswestry New Bells
2014-04-22 Physical Snob, The
2014-04-22 Rebecka Ridinghoode
2014-03-25 Fair Quaker of Deal, The
2014-03-25 Fourpence Ha'penny Farthing
2014-03-25 Oliver's Maggot
2014-02-11 Farewell Marian
2014-02-11 Handel with Care
2014-02-11 Portabella
2014-02-11 Queen's Birthday, The
2014-02-11 Ram Meadow
2014-02-11 Shandy Hall
2014-01-14 Rostillion
2014-01-14 Sunlight through Draperies
2014-01-14 Zealand
2014-01-14 Zephyrs and Flora
2014-01-14 Zinzan's Maggot
2014-01-14 Zither Man, The
2013-11-26 Black and Grey
2013-11-26 Elephants Stairs
2013-11-26 Henry's Other Hornpipe
2013-11-26 Leaving of Liverpool, The
2013-11-26 Waltham Abbey (Roodman)
2013-11-26 Well Hall
2013-11-05 All Saints'
2013-11-05 Christina
2013-11-05 Look Both Ways
2013-11-05 Lovely Nancy
2013-11-05 Pugilist, The
2013-11-05 Squaring the Circle
2013-11-05 Star of Kintra
2013-10-08 Belle of Northampton, The
2013-10-08 Come Let's Be Merry
2013-10-08 Orleans Baffled
2013-10-08 Ram Meadow
2013-10-08 Squaring the Circle
2013-10-08 Woodstock Park
2013-09-03 Benjamin's Birth Day
2013-09-03 Impropriety
2013-09-03 Mistwold
2013-09-03 Orange Nan
2013-09-03 Portsmouth
2013-09-03 Transit of Venus
2013-08-20 Anna Maria
2013-08-20 Duchess of York Street, The
2013-08-20 General Grooviness of the Universe
2013-08-20 Turning by Threes
2013-06-25 Good Man of Cambridge
2013-06-25 Heartsease
2013-06-25 John the Madman
2013-06-25 Leather Lake Cottage
2013-06-25 Wood Duck, The
2013-06-20 Amarillis
2013-04-16 Bar a Bar
2013-04-16 Bellamira
2013-04-16 Busie Body, The
2013-04-16 Mistwold
2013-04-16 Queen's Birthday, The
2013-04-16 Wakefield Hunt
2013-03-05 Bonny Cuckoo, The
2013-03-05 General Grooviness of the Universe
2013-03-05 Leather Lake House
2013-03-05 Orange Nan
2013-03-05 Tythe Pig
2013-02-19 Helena
2013-02-19 Jack's Health
2013-02-19 Sham Doctor, The
2013-02-19 Simone's Semicentury
2013-02-19 Softly Good Tummas
2013-02-19 Trip to Paris, A
2013-02-05 Ashford Anniversary, The
2013-02-05 Fourpence Ha'penny Farthing
2013-02-05 Josephine
2013-02-05 Maid's Last Wish, The
2013-02-05 Salutation
2013-02-05 Slaughter House
2012-11-27 Corelli's Maggot
2012-11-27 In the Fields in Frost and Snow
2012-11-27 King of Poland
2012-11-27 Star of Kintra
2012-11-27 To Dance Devine
2012-11-06 Off She Goes
2012-11-06 Picking Up Sticks
2012-11-06 Potter's Wheel, The
2012-11-06 Zephyrs and Flora
2012-10-23 Chocolate Equation, The
2012-10-23 Cookow, The
2012-10-23 Old Noll's Jig
2012-10-23 Professor Kekulé's Reverie
2012-10-23 Vivaldi in Paradise
2012-09-18 Emperor of the Moon
2012-09-18 Fair Quaker of Deal, The
2012-09-18 Freeford Gardens
2012-09-18 Jack's Maggot
2012-09-18 Shandy Hall
2012-09-18 Sion House
2012-07-17 Albion's Queen
2012-07-17 Double Duet, A
2012-07-17 Mr. Millstone's Inauguration
2012-07-17 Row Well, Ye Mariners
2012-07-17 Severn Bore, The
2012-07-03 Broom, the Bonny, Bonny Broom
2012-07-03 Fireflies
2012-07-03 Five for the Symbol at Your Door
2012-07-03 Waters of Holland, The
2012-07-03 We'll Bed and We'll Weed
2012-06-19 Christina
2012-06-19 Knole Park
2012-06-19 Look Both Ways
2012-06-19 Margaret's Waltz
2012-06-19 Rakes of Rochester, The
2012-06-19 Turn of the Tide
2012-05-08 Autumn in Amherst
2012-05-08 Chelmsford Assembly
2012-05-08 Handel with Care
2012-05-08 Muriel's Measure
2012-05-08 Whately Barn
2012-04-24 Apley House
2012-04-24 Cool Breezes
2012-04-24 Farnicle Huggy
2012-04-24 Portsmouth
2012-04-24 Puck's Deceit
2012-04-24 Pugilist, The
2012-03-20 Alex and Charles
2012-03-20 Chestnut
2012-03-20 Lovely Nancy
2012-03-20 Lover's Knot, The
2012-03-20 Orange Nan
2012-03-20 Spring, The
2012-03-20 Young Widow, The
2012-02-21 Benjamin's Birth Day
2012-02-21 Dunant House Waltz
2012-02-21 Hole in the Wall, The
2012-02-21 Juice of Barley
2012-02-21 Well Hall
2012-02-21 Zephyrs and Flora
2011-12-20 Mount Hills
2011-11-22 Cookow, The
2011-11-22 MC²
2011-11-22 Sol Assembled
2011-11-22 Vivaldi in Paradise
2011-10-04 Cambridge Waltz
2011-10-04 First of October, The
2011-10-04 Mr. Isaac's Maggot
2011-10-04 Put On Thy Smock on a Monday
2011-10-04 Spring in Sebastopol
2011-09-06 Ely Court
2011-09-06 Leah's Waltz
2011-09-06 Maid's Last Wish, The
2011-09-06 Parson upon Dorothy
2011-09-06 Terpsicourante Variation
2011-07-05 Cool Breezes
2011-07-05 Detour, The
2011-07-05 Mevagissey Car Park
2011-07-05 Round, The
2011-06-21 First Lady, The
2011-06-21 Mevagissey Car Park
2011-06-21 Phoenix Rejuvenated, The
2011-06-21 Up with Aily (Sharp)
2011-06-21 Wood Duck, The
2011-05-17 Duke of Kent's Waltz, I, The
2011-05-17 Foxfire
2011-05-17 Helena
2011-05-17 Jacob Hall's Jig
2011-04-19 Albion's Queen
2011-04-19 Come Let's Be Merry
2011-04-19 Easter Morn
2011-04-19 Jack's Sparrow
2011-04-19 Knives and Forks
2011-04-19 Professor Kekulé's Reverie
2011-03-08 Greenwich Park (Playford)
2011-03-08 Lovely Nancy
2011-03-08 Pugilist, The
2011-03-08 Sunlight through Draperies
2011-03-08 Zither Man, The
2010-11-23 Dick's Alternate Maggot
2010-11-23 Double Visit
2010-11-23 Fair Quaker of Deal, The
2010-11-23 First Snow, The
2010-11-23 Orleans Baffled
2010-11-23 Salutation
2010-10-26 Mage on a Cree
2010-10-26 Orange Nan
2010-10-26 Scotch Jemmy
2010-10-26 Turning by Threes
2010-10-26 Zephyrs and Flora
2010-10-19 Mr. Beveridge's Maggot
2010-10-19 News from Tripoly
2010-10-19 Shandy Hall
2010-08-17 Belle of Amherst, The
2010-08-17 Fringe Benefits
2010-08-17 Heading for Zero
2010-08-17 Impropriety
2010-08-17 John the Madman
2010-08-17 Sion House
2010-08-03 Bishop, The
2010-08-03 Leather Lake House
2010-08-03 Mendocino Redwood
2010-08-03 Peace Be with You
2010-07-20 Cookow, The
2010-07-20 Holborn March
2010-06-15 Bonny Grey-Ey'd Morn
2010-06-15 Braes of Dornoch
2010-06-15 Christchurch Bells
2010-06-15 Early Spring Blossom
2010-05-25 Bellamira
2010-05-25 Farewell to Wa-Ke-Hatchee
2010-05-25 Spring Blossom
2010-05-04 All Saints'
2010-05-04 Cockle Shells
2010-05-04 Emperor of the Moon
2010-05-04 Star of Kintra
2010-02-16 Adieu, The
2010-02-16 Bonny Cuckoo, The
2010-02-16 Turn of the Tide
2009-12-08 Vivaldi in Paradise
2009-11-10 Adieu, The
2009-11-10 Juice of Barley
2009-10-13 Round about Our Coal Fire
2009-10-13 Stockport Assembly
2009-06-16 Introduction, The
2009-06-16 Well Done Jack
2009-05-19 Homecoming, The
2009-05-19 Sun Assembly