Caller History

Caller: Neil Epstein

Date Dance
2007-03-20 Bare Necessities
2007-03-20 Black Nag
2007-03-20 Leather Lake House
2007-03-20 Wooing Mairi
2007-03-06 Farewell Marian
2007-03-06 Key to the Cellar
2007-03-06 Reconciliation
2007-03-06 Red House
2006-11-21 Arnold's Circle
2006-11-21 Homecoming, The
2006-11-21 Indian Queen
2006-11-21 Key to the Cellar
2006-11-21 Trip to Paris, A
2006-08-08 Alice
2006-01-17 Arnold's Circle
2006-01-17 Bare Necessities