Caller History

Caller: Gaye Fifer

Date Dance
2025-01-12 Apollo's Hunt
2025-01-12 Bora Dingo Oasis
2025-01-12 Come with Voices Singing
2025-01-12 Doodling
2025-01-12 Fair and Softly
2025-01-12 Footprints in the Sand
2025-01-12 Good Man of Cambridge
2025-01-12 Longest Night, The
2025-01-12 New Leaf, A
2025-01-12 Punch Bowl, The
2025-01-12 Revelations
2025-01-12 Rich Delights
2025-01-12 Westaire Court
2024-05-10 Apollo's Hunt
2024-05-10 Beautious Grove
2024-05-10 Bel Canto
2024-05-10 Gaye's Gifts
2024-05-10 Longest Night, The
2024-05-10 Mr. Smukler's Inauguration
2024-05-10 Revelations
2024-05-10 Rich Delights
2024-05-10 Sapphire Sea
2024-05-10 Trim the Sails
2024-05-10 Well Donne
2024-05-10 Westaire Court
2022-11-11 After Dinner Maggot
2022-11-11 Apollo's Hunt
2022-11-11 Bel Canto
2022-11-11 Blackheath (Kliban)
2022-11-11 Charlene's Celebration
2022-11-11 Doctor Vincent's Delight
2022-11-11 Dunant House Waltz
2022-11-11 Early One Morning
2022-11-11 Emperor of the Moon
2022-11-11 Highland Farewell
2022-11-11 Pluck Me a Fig
2022-11-11 Ties of Love
2022-11-11 Treasure of the Big Woods
2019-05-10 Apollo's Hunt
2019-05-10 Chocolate Equation, The
2019-05-10 Doctor Vincent's Delight
2019-05-10 Friendly Brooke, The
2019-05-10 General Grooviness of the Universe
2019-05-10 Graphite
2019-05-10 Longest Night, The
2019-05-10 Madam Fifer's Inauguration
2019-05-10 Melrosian Triplet
2019-05-10 Mike's Health
2019-05-10 New Leaf, A
2019-05-10 Trim the Sails
2019-05-10 Vanga Land
2018-05-11 Autumn Gifts
2018-05-11 Early One Morning
2018-05-11 Far Away
2018-05-11 Footprints in the Sand
2018-05-11 Gold for the Mahieus
2018-05-11 Graphite
2018-05-11 Interruptions
2018-05-11 Orca
2018-05-11 Punch Bowl, The
2018-05-11 Ruddy Duck, The
2018-05-11 Treasure of the Big Woods
2018-05-11 Trim the Sails
2018-05-11 Trip to Town-O, A