Caller History

Caller: Alan Simpson-Vlach

Date Dance
2009-06-16 Buskin
2009-06-16 Fête Champêtre
2009-06-16 Off She Goes
2009-06-16 Safe Haven
2006-07-18 Emma's Commencement
2006-07-18 Graies Inne Maske
2006-07-18 Short and the Tall, The
2006-07-18 Trip to San Jose
2006-07-18 When Laura Smiles
2006-06-06 Buskin
2006-06-06 Randolph Farewell
2006-06-06 Smithy Hill
2006-06-06 Trip to San Jose
2006-04-18 Easter Tuesday
2006-03-28 Albany Assembly
2006-03-28 Gathering Peascods
2006-03-28 Queen's Birthday, The
2006-03-28 Safe Haven
2006-02-14 Bury Fair
2006-02-14 Queen's Jig, The
2006-02-14 Waters of Holland, The
2006-02-14 Well Hall
2006-01-03 Christina
2006-01-03 Fête Champêtre
2006-01-03 Jack's Maggot
2005-11-15 Fenterlarick
2005-11-15 Lover's Knot, The
2005-11-15 Portsmouth
2005-11-01 Bryon's Boutade / B in The Bonnet, A
2005-10-18 Bryon's Boutade / B in The Bonnet, A
2005-10-18 Turning by Threes
2005-10-18 Wibsey Roundabout
2005-09-27 Emma's Commencement
2005-09-27 Key to the Cellar
2005-09-27 Long Odds, The
2005-09-27 Millison's Jig
2005-09-27 Orange Nan
2005-07-26 Alice
2005-07-26 Bishop, The
2005-07-26 Queen's Birthday, The
2005-07-19 Childgrove
2005-07-19 Christchurch Bells
2005-07-19 I Care Not for These Ladies
2005-07-19 Knives and Forks
2005-07-19 Upon a Summer's Day
2005-05-31 Freeford Gardens