Caller History

Click on the dance name to see the dance history.

Click on a date to see the entire program for that date.

Caller: Drake Meadow

Date Dance
2024-12-17 Gower Wassail
2024-12-17 In the Bleak Midwinter
2024-12-17 Winter Solstice
2024-10-29 All Saints'
2024-10-29 Flying Sorceress, The
2024-10-29 O, Susato
2024-10-29 Round about Our Coal Fire
2024-09-17 Beautyberry
2024-09-17 High Ginks
2024-09-17 Key to the Cellar
2024-09-17 Mr. Millstone's Inauguration
2024-09-17 Queen's Jig, The
2024-09-17 Upon the Morning Breeze
2024-08-27 Emma's Commencement
2024-08-27 Freeford Gardens
2024-08-27 Haymakers, The
2024-08-27 Juniata
2024-08-27 Mile of Smiles
2024-05-07 Alex and Charles
2024-05-07 Atossa's Gift
2024-05-07 Collier's Daughter, The
2024-05-07 Elizabeth
2024-05-07 Mendocino Redwood
2024-05-07 Smithy Hill
2024-04-16 Horseplay
2024-04-16 Kelsterne Gardens
2024-04-16 Longevity
2024-04-16 Now Is the Month of Maying
2024-04-16 Peace Be with You
2024-03-19 Farewell to the Shore
2024-03-19 From Wandsworth
2024-03-19 Good Man of Cambridge
2024-02-13 Chocolate Round O, The
2024-02-13 Dublin Bay
2024-02-13 Impertinence
2024-02-13 Longevity
2024-01-23 Candles in the Dark
2024-01-23 Childgrove
2024-01-23 Mr. Hamilton's Inauguration
2024-01-23 Rose without a Thorn
2024-01-23 Spaniard, The
2024-01-09 Punch Bowl, The
2024-01-09 Rebecka Ridinghoode
2024-01-09 Round about Our Coal Fire
2024-01-09 Siege of Limerick, The
2024-01-09 Turning by Threes
2023-12-19 Dance of a Lifetime
2023-12-19 Female Saylor, The
2023-12-19 Gathering Peascods
2023-12-19 Gower Wassail
2023-12-19 In the Bleak Midwinter
2023-12-19 Midwinter Maggot
2023-12-19 Winter Dreams
2023-12-19 Winter Solstice
2023-12-19 Yellow Stockings
2023-11-28 Dancing Wife, The
2023-11-28 Mr. Beveridge's Maggot
2023-11-28 Sapphire Sea
2023-11-28 Selkie, The
2023-11-28 Spaniard, The
2023-10-17 Bar a Bar
2023-10-17 Candles in the Dark
2023-10-17 Chocolate Round O, The
2023-10-17 Elverton Grove
2023-10-17 Sunlight through Draperies
2023-09-05 Beautyberry
2023-09-05 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2023-09-05 Key to the Cellar
2023-09-05 Mr. Millstone's Inauguration
2023-09-05 Upon the Morning Breeze
2023-07-11 Childgrove
2023-07-11 Gene's Gambol
2023-07-11 Juniata
2023-07-11 Sunlight through Draperies
2023-05-30 Fair and Softly
2023-05-30 Impertinence
2023-05-30 Indian Queen
2023-05-30 Mr. Hamilton's Inauguration
2023-05-30 Puck's Deceit
2023-05-09 Horseplay
2023-05-09 Kelsterne Gardens
2023-05-09 Little Sir Isaac
2023-05-09 Longevity
2023-05-09 Now Is the Month of Maying
2023-05-09 Peace Be with You
2023-04-25 Bluebonnets
2023-04-25 Farewell to the Shore
2023-04-25 Ram Meadow
2023-04-25 Sapphire Sea
2023-04-25 Sarah
2023-04-25 Turn of the Tide
2023-01-31 Barbarini's Tambourine
2023-01-31 Candles in the Dark
2023-01-31 Dancing Wife, The
2023-01-31 Indian Queen
2023-01-31 Kneeland Romp
2023-01-31 Mr. Hamilton's Inauguration
2023-01-31 Up with Aily (Sharp)
2022-12-20 Dance of a Lifetime
2022-12-20 Female Saylor, The
2022-12-20 Gower Wassail
2022-12-20 Hole in the Wall, The
2022-12-20 In the Bleak Midwinter
2022-12-20 Midwinter Maggot
2022-12-20 Winter Dreams
2022-12-20 Winter Solstice
2022-11-01 Elverton Grove
2022-11-01 Flying Sorceress, The
2022-11-01 Mid Heath and Heather
2022-11-01 Mr. Isaac's Maggot
2022-11-01 Selkie, The
2022-11-01 Softly Good Tummas
2022-09-13 Beautyberry
2022-09-13 Elizabeth
2022-09-13 Key to the Cellar
2022-09-13 Mr. Millstone's Inauguration
2022-09-13 Queen's Jig, The
2022-09-13 Upon the Morning Breeze
2022-08-02 Bar a Bar
2022-08-02 Childgrove
2022-08-02 Collier's Daughter, The
2022-08-02 Columbus Anniversary
2022-08-02 Freeford Gardens
2022-08-02 Juniata
2022-08-02 Mile of Smiles
2022-08-02 Smithy Hill
2022-08-02 Sunlight through Draperies
2022-05-31 Fair and Softly
2022-05-31 Impertinence
2022-05-31 Indian Queen
2022-05-31 Jack's Maggot
2022-05-31 Little Sir Isaac
2022-05-31 Mr. Beveridge's Maggot
2022-05-31 Puck's Deceit
2022-05-31 Ten for the Ten Commandments
2022-05-31 Upon a Summer's Day
2022-05-03 Bluebonnets
2022-05-03 Horseplay
2022-05-03 Kelsterne Gardens
2022-05-03 Knole Park
2022-05-03 Longevity
2022-05-03 Mulberry Garden, The
2022-05-03 Now Is the Month of Maying
2022-05-03 Peace Be with You
2022-05-03 Sarah
2022-05-03 Zephyrs and Flora
2019-12-17 Female Saylor, The
2019-12-17 In the Bleak Midwinter
2019-12-17 Midwinter Maggot
2019-12-17 Sarah
2019-12-17 Softly Good Tummas
2019-09-24 Gene's Gambol
2019-09-24 Haymakers, The
2019-09-24 Juniata
2019-09-24 Kneeland Romp
2019-09-24 Maids Morris
2019-09-24 Rose without a Thorn
2019-06-25 Alex and Charles
2019-06-25 Beautyberry
2019-06-25 Freeford Gardens
2019-06-25 Mendocino Redwood
2019-06-25 Peace Be with You
2019-05-07 Impertinence
2019-05-07 John Tallis's Canon
2019-05-07 Key to the Cellar
2019-05-07 Knole Park
2019-05-07 Lilli Burlero
2019-05-07 Now Is the Month of Maying
2019-04-02 Elizabeth
2019-04-02 Horseplay
2019-04-02 Treasure of the Big Woods
2019-04-02 Up with Aily (Sharp)
2019-03-12 Candles in the Dark
2019-03-12 Mr. Millstone's Inauguration
2019-03-12 Mulberry Garden, The
2019-03-12 Sarah
2019-03-12 Smithy Hill
2019-02-05 Angels Unawares
2019-02-05 Barbarini's Tambourine
2019-02-05 Collier's Daughter, The
2019-02-05 Mile of Smiles
2019-02-05 Mr. Hamilton's Inauguration
2019-02-05 Ram Meadow
2018-12-18 Come with Voices Singing
2018-12-18 Comical Fellow, The
2018-12-18 Ten for the Ten Commandments
2018-12-18 Zephyrs and Flora
2018-11-06 Dancing Wife, The
2018-11-06 Jack's Maggot
2018-11-06 Knole Park
2018-11-06 Mr. Beveridge's Maggot
2018-11-06 Upon the Morning Breeze
2018-11-06 When Laura Smiles
2018-10-09 First of October, The
2018-10-09 Queen's Jig, The
2018-10-09 Sarah
2018-10-09 Trip to Greene
2018-07-24 Chocolate Round O, The
2018-07-24 Fair and Softly
2018-07-24 Indian Queen
2018-07-24 Little Sir Isaac
2018-07-24 Smithy Hill
2018-01-23 Jack's Maggot
2018-01-23 Peace Be with You
2018-01-23 Sarah
2018-01-23 Wibsey Roundabout
2017-12-19 Fair and Softly
2017-12-19 Hop Ground, The
2017-12-19 Juice of Barley
2017-12-19 Physical Snob, The
2017-11-28 Bluebonnets
2017-11-28 Childgrove
2017-11-28 Chocolate Round O, The
2017-11-28 Longevity
2017-11-28 Puck's Deceit
2017-11-28 Zephyrs and Flora
2017-06-06 Impertinence
2017-06-06 Now Is the Month of Maying
2017-06-06 Puck's Deceit
2017-06-06 Sarah
2017-06-06 Smithy Hill
2016-12-20 Indian Queen
2016-12-20 Little Sir Isaac
2016-12-20 Longevity
2016-12-20 Sunlight through Draperies
2016-12-20 Zephyrs and Flora
2016-08-09 Dick's Alternate Maggot
2016-08-09 Fleur-de-Lis
2016-08-09 Impertinence
2016-08-09 Jack's Maggot
2016-08-09 Key to the Cellar
2016-08-09 Ten for the Ten Commandments
2016-07-05 Bluebonnets
2016-07-05 Childgrove
2016-07-05 Come with Voices Singing
2016-07-05 Comical Fellow, The
2016-07-05 Gathering Peascods
2016-07-05 Indian Queen
2016-07-05 Peace Be with You
2016-05-31 Belle of Northampton, The
2016-05-31 Childgrove
2016-05-31 Horseplay
2016-05-31 Kneeland Romp
2016-05-31 Mad Robin
2016-05-31 When Laura Smiles
2015-12-22 Mulberry Garden, The
2015-12-22 Sarah
2015-12-22 Softly Good Tummas
2015-12-22 When Laura Smiles
2015-11-24 Braes of Dornoch
2015-11-24 Dick's Alternate Maggot
2015-11-24 Mad Robin
2015-11-24 Mr. Isaac's Maggot
2015-11-24 Peace Be with You
2015-11-03 Chocolate Round O, The
2015-11-03 Fandango, The
2015-11-03 Hit and Miss
2015-11-03 Indian Queen
2015-11-03 Longevity
2015-11-03 Mr. Handel's Gigue
2015-08-11 Collier's Daughter, The
2015-08-11 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2015-08-11 Horseplay
2015-08-11 John Tallis's Canon
2015-08-11 Knole Park
2015-04-28 Bonny Cuckoo, The
2015-04-28 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2015-04-28 Hop Ground, The
2015-04-28 Jack's Maggot
2015-04-28 Peace Be with You
2015-04-28 Wood Duck, The
2015-03-24 Elizabeth
2015-03-24 Elverton Grove
2015-03-24 Physical Snob, The
2015-03-24 Smithy Hill
2015-03-24 Up with Aily (Sharp)
2015-02-17 Belle of Northampton, The
2015-02-17 Braes of Dornoch
2015-02-17 Gathering Peascods
2015-02-17 Kneeland Romp
2015-02-17 Mad Robin
2015-02-17 When Laura Smiles
2014-12-16 Horseplay
2014-12-16 Little Sir Isaac
2014-12-16 Physical Snob, The
2014-12-16 Sellenger's Round
2014-12-16 Spaniard, The
2014-12-16 Sunlight through Draperies
2014-11-18 Barbarini's Tambourine
2014-11-18 Drapers Gardens
2014-11-18 Key to the Cellar
2014-11-18 Mr. Isaac's Maggot
2014-11-18 Softly Good Tummas
2014-11-18 Upon the Morning Breeze
2014-10-07 Chocolate Round O, The
2014-10-07 Fandango, The
2014-10-07 Longevity
2014-10-07 Mr. Handel's Gigue
2014-03-11 Belle of Northampton, The
2014-03-11 Elverton Grove
2014-03-11 Mr. Isaac's Maggot
2014-03-11 Upon the Morning Breeze
2014-03-11 Wibsey Roundabout
2014-02-11 Chrysalis
2014-02-11 Spaniard, The
2014-02-11 Sunlight through Draperies
2014-02-11 Trip to Greene
2014-02-11 Up with Aily (Sharp)
2013-12-17 Columbus Anniversary
2013-12-17 Fair and Softly
2013-12-17 Softly Good Tummas
2013-12-17 When Laura Smiles
2013-12-17 Zephyrs and Flora
2013-11-19 Elizabeth
2013-11-19 Elverton Grove
2013-11-19 Key to the Cellar
2013-11-19 Queen's Jig, The
2013-11-19 Smithy Hill
2013-07-09 Jenny Pluck Pears
2013-07-09 Little Sir Isaac
2013-07-09 Peace Be with You
2013-07-09 Zephyrs and Flora
2012-11-13 Childgrove
2012-11-13 Indian Queen
2012-11-13 Mad Robin
2012-09-04 Elizabeth
2012-09-04 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2012-09-04 Juice of Barley
2012-09-04 Knole Park
2012-09-04 New Beginning, A
2012-08-14 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2012-08-14 Fandango, The
2012-08-14 Indian Queen
2012-08-14 Little Sir Isaac
2012-08-14 Precious Ruby
2012-07-24 Columbus Anniversary
2012-07-24 Dancing Wife, The
2012-07-24 Dublin Bay
2012-07-24 Good Man of Cambridge
2012-07-24 Key to the Cellar
2012-02-14 Bonny Cuckoo, The
2012-02-14 Hop Ground, The
2012-02-14 Jack's Maggot
2012-02-14 Wood Duck, The
2012-01-17 Fair and Softly
2012-01-17 Geud Man of Ballangigh, The
2012-01-17 Good Man of Cambridge
2012-01-17 Mr. Beveridge's Maggot
2011-12-20 Elizabeth
2011-12-20 Elverton Grove
2011-12-20 Physical Snob, The
2011-12-20 Up with Aily (Sharp)
2011-12-20 Wibsey Roundabout
2011-11-22 Barbarini's Tambourine
2011-11-22 Belle of Northampton, The
2011-11-22 Key to the Cellar
2011-11-22 Mr. Isaac's Maggot
2011-11-22 Peace Be with You
2011-11-22 Softly Good Tummas
2011-10-25 Childgrove
2011-10-25 Epping Forest
2011-10-25 Spaniard, The
2011-10-25 Zephyrs and Flora
2011-09-06 Goddesses
2011-09-06 Hole in the Wall, The
2011-09-06 Knole Park
2011-09-06 Mid Heath and Heather
2011-09-06 Physical Snob, The
2011-09-06 Wood Duck, The
2011-08-23 Confess
2011-08-23 Gathering Peascods
2011-08-23 Kneeland Romp
2011-08-23 Mad Robin
2011-08-23 When Laura Smiles
2011-07-26 Elizabeth
2011-07-26 Hop Ground, The
2011-07-26 Sunlight through Draperies
2011-07-26 Two to the Fifth
2011-05-10 Faithless Nancy Dawson
2011-05-10 Key to the Cellar
2011-05-10 Mollie's Fleeting Glance
2011-03-29 Elizabeth
2011-03-29 Fandango, The
2011-03-29 Good Man of Cambridge
2011-01-25 Columbus Anniversary
2011-01-25 Dancing Wife, The
2011-01-25 Kelsterne Gardens
2011-01-25 When Laura Smiles
2010-11-09 Dick's Alternate Maggot
2010-11-09 Drapers Gardens
2010-11-09 Fandango, The
2010-11-09 Hop Ground, The
2010-11-09 New Beginning, A
2010-09-28 Longevity
2010-09-28 Mr. Beveridge's Maggot
2010-09-28 Queen's Jig, The
2010-09-28 Smithy Hill
2010-09-28 Wood Duck, The
2010-05-25 Belle of Northampton, The
2010-05-25 Hop Ground, The
2010-05-25 Knole Park
2010-05-25 Mollie's Fleeting Glance
2010-03-23 Drapers Gardens
2010-03-23 Mad Robin
2010-03-23 Mr. Handel's Gigue
2010-03-23 Trip to Greene
2010-03-09 Dick's Alternate Maggot
2010-03-09 Elizabeth
2010-03-09 Kelsterne Gardens
2010-03-09 Physical Snob, The
2010-03-09 Smithy Hill
2010-01-26 Hambleton's Round O
2010-01-26 Knole Park
2010-01-26 Zephyrs and Flora
2009-12-22 Belle of Northampton, The
2009-12-22 Handel with Care
2009-12-22 Longevity
2009-12-22 Mr. Isaac's Maggot
2009-12-22 Sellenger's Round
2009-11-17 Drapers Gardens
2009-11-17 Good Man of Cambridge
2009-11-17 Key to the Cellar
2009-11-17 Mad Robin
2009-11-17 New Beginning, A
2009-11-17 Upon the Morning Breeze
2009-11-03 Bonny Cuckoo, The
2009-11-03 Childgrove
2009-11-03 Jack's Maggot
2009-11-03 Physical Snob, The
2009-03-31 Black Drake Waltz
2009-03-31 Bonny Cuckoo, The
2009-03-31 Childgrove
2009-03-31 Mr. Handel's Gigue
2009-03-31 Zephyrs and Flora
2009-03-03 Elizabeth
2009-03-03 Hit and Miss
2009-03-03 Kelsterne Gardens
2009-03-03 Smithy Hill
2009-01-13 Drapers Gardens
2009-01-13 Hambleton's Round O
2009-01-13 Jack's Maggot
2009-01-13 Juice of Barley
2009-01-13 Longevity
2008-11-11 Bonny Cuckoo, The
2008-11-11 Childgrove
2008-11-11 Kelsterne Gardens
2008-11-11 Mad Robin
2008-11-11 Mr. Beveridge's Maggot
2008-11-11 Zephyrs and Flora
2008-10-14 Hole in the Wall, The
2008-10-14 Jack's Maggot
2008-10-14 Key to the Cellar
2008-10-14 Sellenger's Round
2008-10-14 When Laura Smiles
2008-07-01 Childgrove
2008-07-01 Jack's Maggot
2008-07-01 Mad Robin
2008-06-10 Drapers Gardens
2008-04-08 Drapers Gardens
2008-04-08 Jack's Maggot
2008-04-01 Mr. Beveridge's Maggot